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the most complete monitoring solution on the market

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1 the most complete monitoring solution on the market
ZVM Solo EMIT ZVM Solo the most complete monitoring solution on the market REV

2 ZVM Solo First Single Workstation Dual-Wire Continuous Monitor by EMIT
EMIT previously only offered dual workstation, dual-wire monitors Zero Volt Monitor (ZVM), Dual Programmable Monitor Workstations are now commonly setup as stand-alone or pods. Dual workstation monitors are not an ideal solution for these setups. The ZVM Solo monitors one operator, one supervisor (optional), one worksurface and one ESD tool / fixture / accessory The ZVM Solo was specifically designed to be mounted underneath bench tops. This may be accomplished using the included Velcro strips or optional stainless steel bracket.

3 ZVM Solo EMIT SIM Software Compatibility
The all-new EMIT SIM Software is designed to monitor and record the activity of all EMIT Smart Products Use EMIT SIM to fulfill ANSI/ESD S section 7.3: “Compliance verification records shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to the technical requirements.” Save cost by eliminating the need for supervisors to physically check the status of monitors and ionizers every day EMIT SIM automatically manages calibration schedules and alerts when any one group of devices need calibration or maintenance EMIT SIM is compatible with the ZVM Solo, Dual Programmable Monitor, ZVM, ULVM and Zero Volt Ionizers. It is the only software on the market capable of recording both monitor and ionizer activity.

4 ZVM Solo True Continuous Monitoring
The ZVM Solo offers true continuous monitoring; pulsed monitors do not Fastest response time on the market (.058 seconds typical) Pulsed technology is off 90% of the time and misses intermittent connections ON ZVM Solo The key feature that sets EMIT monitors apart from the competition is our “true continuous monitoring.” Since our test voltage is so low, it can continuously be applied to an operator without yielding any skin irritation. This technology allows the ZVM Solo to carry the fastest response time for any dual-wire monitor. The ZVM Solo indicates all failures at the instant that they happen. Pulsed monitors are not “true continuous monitors.” The graph above indicates that they only monitor about 10% of the time that they are on. They also take longer to indicate any failures. Pulsed Monitor Pulsed only monitors 10% of time OFF

5 ZVM Solo Patented Zero Volt Technology
Dual-wire wrist straps provide redundant grounding (still grounded if one wire breaks) Dual polarity technology places positive voltage on one line and negative voltage on the other, resulting in near zero volts at the operator There are two wrist strap types: single-wire and dual-wire. The EMIT ZVM Solo is used to test dual-wire wrist straps. Examples of a dual-wire wrist band and wrist cord can be seen above. The key advantage of dual-wire wrist straps is redundant grounding. If one of the two wires were to break, the operator would still have a path to ground with the other wire. The ZVM Solo uses patented dual-polarity technology. This is accomplished by sending equal but opposite voltages across each wire. When both voltages meet at the operator, they cancel each other out, resulting in near zero voltage on the operator.

6 ZVM Solo Operator Charge Detection
Detects operator voltage charge >±2.5VDC The ZVM Solo has dedicated LEDs for operator resistance and charge detect. If operator failure occurs on a competitor’s monitor, one cannot distinguish whether it was due to resistance or charge failure The charge detection circuit is capable of detecting a voltage leak on the operator. This threshold may be set to either ±2.5V or ± 1.25V. This feature provides an effective way of alerting the operator when they come in contact with charge generating materials or practices at their workstation. A good example would be rolling a non-ESD chair over a non-ESD floor or using an improperly grounded ESD chair. To demonstrate this feature, connect yourself to the monitor, touch one of the battery’s terminals, and then place the other terminal to the monitor’s sheet metal (or hard ground). This will apply 9 volts to your body and cause the monitor to alarm (charge LED red).

7 ZVM Solo User Adjustable Features
With a specific set of instructions provided by EMIT, the customer can open the ZVM Solo and configure a set of DIP switches to modify the following features: Operator test voltage: 50mV or 1.25V Worksurface limit: 3 ohm or 3 megohms Operator charge detect: ±1.25V or ± 2.5V Mat circuit: ON / OFF Tool circuit: ON / OFF Charge detect circuit: ON / OFF The ZVM Solo has adjustable features that allow the user to change the operator test voltage, worksurface limit and charge detect voltage. The operator test voltage can be set to either 1.25V or 50mV. The 50mV setting is ideal for use with Class 0 devices and must be used with a metal wrist strap. The worksurface limit can be set to either 3 megohms or 3 ohms for highly conductive materials. The sensitivity of the charge detect circuit may be adjusted from 2.5V to 1.25V for Class 0 workstations. The MAT and TOOL circuits may also be disabled when not in use.

8 ZVM Solo Competitive Breakdown
The ZVM Solo outperforms all popular dual-wire monitors. Its software compatibility separates it from the 3M monitors. The ZVM Solo is also an upgrade from the EMIT ZVM and Dual Programmable Monitor. Should a customer want to use EMIT SIM with their existing ZVM and Dual Programmable Monitor inventory, the EMIT Smart Hub will need to be purchased. The ZVM Solo was designed in conjunction with EMIT SIM, so its specs were tailored for optimum software compatibility. It is the fastest polling monitor and features a memory cache for time stamping status changes. *The 3M 724 is set up to monitor two operators that are seated side by side at the same workstation and relies on a daisy-chaining to monitor the workstations. It may upgraded with an additional remote to monitor a second operator at an adjacent workstation.

9 ZVM Solo Targeted Customers Users of the following monitors:
3M Workstation Monitor 724 EMIT Zero Volt Monitor (ZVM) 3M Iron Man Plus CTC331 EMIT Dual Programmable Monitor

10 Register All Opportunities on
Visit the following webpage and log-in to complete the registered opportunities form: EMIT (909)

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