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Mental Health Thrive and other Resources

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1 Mental Health Thrive and other Resources
12/06/2019 Mental Health Thrive and other Resources Barbara Coyle Associate Director, LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber Barbara Coyle

2 Y&H Thrive Indicators LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

3 Key tools and resources for mental health
LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

4 Nine Mental Health Fingertips Profiles
These profiles include regional, STP, CCG, LA and mental health trust data on areas including risk and protective factors, prevalence of mental health, healthcare services, quality and outcome measures LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

5 Public Mental Health Dashboard
STP level dashboard to support the three approaches described in the ‘Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health. The three approaches are: LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

6 Mental Health Promotion ROI Tool
Return on investment resources to support local commissioners in designing and implementing mental health and wellbeing support services for children and young people, the working age population and older people. The tool includes data for 8 interventions LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

7 Mental Health Conditions Packs
The NHS RightCare mental heath conditions packs contain data across a range of mental health and dementia services. The packs are split into stages along a mental health pathway and enable local health economies to compare their performance with their ten most similar CCGs LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

8 Other useful tools and resources for mental health
LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

9 Other mental health data sources
Adult psychiatric morbidity survey: Children and young people eating disorders: GP Profile: IAPT Data: Learning disability services: Mental health community team activity: Mental health services monthly stats: Physical Health Checks for people with serious mental illness: LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

10 Other mental health data sources
Out of area placements in mental health: Safeguarding adults: Suicides in the UK: Other data related to mental health can be found by selecting the topic “Mental health & dementia” using the Office of National Statistics Landscape for England tool: LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

11 Tools and resources for mental health by priority themes
LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

12 Maximising the potential of young people
Perinatal Mental Health profile: health/profile/perinatal-mental-health Children and Young People’s mental Health profile: group/mental-health/profile/cypmh Child Health profile: Mental Health Promotion ROI tool (whole school anti-bullying programme and Social and emotional learning interventions) cost-effective-commissioning Public Mental Health Dashboard (children and young people section): IiwidCI6ImVlNGUxNDk5LTRhMzUtNGIyZS1hZDQ3LTVmM2NmOWRlODY2NiIsImMiOjh9 Children and young people eating disorders: and-young-people-eating-disorder-collection-q Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2017: LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

13 Commissioning Services
Mental Health Profiles (services ad quality and outcomes domains): Mental Health Conditions pack: packs/mental-health-conditions-packs/ IAPT Data: services-england-january-2019-final-including-reports-on-the-iapt-pilots Learning disability services: Mental health community team activity: community-teams-activity-for-quarter-ending-december-2018 Mental health services monthly stats: information/publications/statistical/mental-health-services-monthly-statistics Community Mental health survey: health-survey-2018 Health and Care Statistics Landscape: care-statistics/hc-statistics-landscape/ LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

14 Communities and Individuals
Mental Health and Wellbeing JSNA profile: health/profile/mh-jsna Public Mental Health Dashboard: IiwidCI6ImVlNGUxNDk5LTRhMzUtNGIyZS1hZDQ3LTVmM2NmOWRlODY2NiIsImMiOjh9 Mental Health and Wellbeing ROI tool: services-cost-effective-commissioning Health and Care Statistics Landscape: care-statistics/hc-statistics-landscape/ LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

15 Reducing suicides Suicide Prevention profile: Public Mental Health Dashboard (suicide and self-harm section): IiwidCI6ImVlNGUxNDk5LTRhMzUtNGIyZS1hZDQ3LTVmM2NmOWRlODY2NiIsImMiOjh9 Mental Health and Wellbeing ROI tool (adults suicide prevention intervention): Suicides in the UK: Health and Care Statistics Landscape: care-statistics/hc-statistics-landscape/ LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

16 A Society free from stigma and discrimination
Public Mental Health Dashboard: IiwidCI6ImVlNGUxNDk5LTRhMzUtNGIyZS1hZDQ3LTVmM2NmOWRlODY2NiIsImMiOjh9 Health and Care Statistics Landscape: care-statistics/hc-statistics-landscape/ LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

17 Creating a happy, healthy, productive workforce
Mental Health and Wellbeing ROI tool (workplace wellbeing programme and workplace stress prevention intervention) effective-commissioning Public Mental Health Dashboard: IiwidCI6ImVlNGUxNDk5LTRhMzUtNGIyZS1hZDQ3LTVmM2NmOWRlODY2NiIsImMiOjh9 Health and Care Statistics Landscape: care-statistics/hc-statistics-landscape/ LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

18 Contact us
LKIS PHE Yorkshire and Humber

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