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Qualitative versus Quantitative

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Presentation on theme: "Qualitative versus Quantitative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualitative versus Quantitative

2 Qualitative Deals with descriptions.
Data can be observed but not measured. Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty, etc. Qualitative → Quality

3 Qualitative Examples Qualitative data: Example 1: Barry Sanders Fast
Elusive Short Humble Oklahoma State Alumni Detroit Lions Example 1: Barry Sanders

4 Quantitative Deals with numbers. Data which can be measured.
Length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, etc. Quantitative → Quantity 

5 Quantitative Examples
Quantitative data: 180 pounds 5’8” in Height Rushed for 15,269 Yards 99 Career TD’s Example 1: Barry Sanders

6 Second Example Qualitative Quantitative Example 2: Powerade Blue
Tastes Refreshing Hydrating Cylinder Shaped 12 fluid ounces serving temperature 50º F. 8 inches tall cost $1.00

7 Third Example USA Olympic Team Qualitative data Quantitative data
Professional Athletes Tall Confident Young Adults Athletic 12 Players Average 99 Points Average Rebounds a game 39.6 Average height 6’9” Weight 200 pounds USA Combined Team Statistics (as of Jul 24, 2012)

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