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5 Animals big and small Compare these animals.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Animals big and small Compare these animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Animals big and small Compare these animals

2 pretty feathers

3 Compare these animals! The penguin has pretty feathers.
parrot peacock The penguin has pretty feathers. The parrot has prettier feathers than the penguin. The peacock has the prettiest feathers.

4 Compare these animals! neck The horse has a long neck.
camel giraffe The horse has a long neck. The camel has a longer neck than the horse. The giraffe has the longest neck.


6 GAME taller tallest tall 

7 small smaller smallest

8 long longer longest

9 strong stronger strongest

10 tall taller tallest

11 pretty prettier prettiest

12 hairy hairier hairiest

13 big bigger biggest

14 hot hotter hottest

15 large larger largest

16 wise wiser wisest

17 Compare them and make notes
Work in groups. Think of three animals Compare them and make notes a penguin a parrot a peacock has pretty feathers has prettier feathers has the prettiest feathers

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