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Computational approaches for quantum many-body systems

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1 Computational approaches for quantum many-body systems
HGSFP Graduate Days SS2019 Martin Gärttner

2 Organizational matters
90 min lecture + 90 min programming exercises Materials: Programming exercises: Python with Jupyter notebooks → Install Anaconda with Python 3 (  Alternative: → log in with your uni-id Active participation and feedback is essential!

3 Course overview Lecture 1: Introduction to many-body spin systems
Quantum Ising model, Bloch sphere, tensor structure, exact diagonalization Lecture 2: Collective spin models LMG model, symmetry, semi-classical methods, Monte Carlo Lecture 3: Entanglement Mixed states, partial trace, Schmidt decomposition Lecture 4: Tensor network states Area laws, matrix product states, tensor contraction, AKLT model Lecture 5: DMRG and other variational approaches Energy minimization, PEPS and MERA, neural quantum states

4 Learning goals After today you will be able to …
… interpret the evolution of a single spin in the Bloch sphere picture. … explain the complexity problem of quantum many-body systems and understand many-body spin Hamiltonians. … apply the spin toolbox to build and diagonalize many-body spin Hamiltonians. … study a quantum phase transition in the transverse field Ising model.

5 What is a spin?
Intrinsic angular momentum Electron spin Nuclear spin Polarizations of a photon Ground and excited level of atom/ion… States of a superconducting circuit… States 0 and 1 Unit of quantum information Physical spin Pseudo spin Two-level system Qubit

6 Why care about spins? Simple, but still shows fundamental physical phenomena Analytically solvable many-body problems Many condensed matter physics problems come in the form of spin models (magnetism, Hubbard models map so spin models in specific cases) Quantum computers are just many-spin systems

7 Quantum simulation Special purpose quantum computers
Emulate (spin) model Hamiltonians in controlled experiments Overcome problem of quantum complexity Numerical methods for spin models Benchmark quantum simulators in tractable regimes Testing approximations using comparison to experiment Examples: Trapped ions (Bollinger, Monroe, Blatt) Rydberg atoms (Lukin, Broways, Weidemüller) Ultracold atoms in optical lattices (Greiner, Bloch) Nature 484, (2012) Nature 551,   (2017) Nat. Phys. 8,  (2012) Nature 551, (2017) Nature 561, (2018) Science  342, (2013) Nature 545, (2017) Science 349, 842 (2015)

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