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Manuel Pastor December 2008

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Presentation on theme: "Manuel Pastor December 2008"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manuel Pastor December 2008
California Dreaming?: Demography, Inequality and Economic Growth in a Time of Crisis Manuel Pastor December 2008

2 La Conyuntura vs. the Long-run
We tend to think about short-term pressures and politics . . .

3 La Conyuntura vs. the Long-run
We tend to think about short-term pressures and politics . . .


5 La Conyuntura vs. the Long-run
We tend to think about short-term pressures and politics . . . . . . So we better look long-term as well. If we do, three trends –demographic, distributional, economic – are rocking California, and set the stage for a new social contract

6 Leading the U.S. in Demographic Change

7 Immigration as a Factor

8 Foreign Born Population by Census Tract

9 California Looking Forward, 2000-2050

10 California Looking Forward, 2000-2050







17 The Future is Now . . .

18 Our Common Future?

19 California Also Leading in Inequality . . .
Considering the ratio of the top fifth of families to bottom fifth of families, we are the sixth most unequal state Considering the ratio of the top five percent of families to the bottom fifth of families, we are the eighth most unequal state And we are becoming more unequal faster than thirty-two other states.

20 Race Matters

21 It Isn’t Just Immigration

22 Growth in Working Poor

23 How Can We Narrow the Divide?
Insure sustainable economic growth Provide education and training for workers of today and tomorrow Create labor and community standards that set new floors

24 Sustainable Economic Growth?

25 Changing Returns to Education

26 Changing Returns to Education

27 Relative Education Levels in California

28 Looking Forward Network engineer or programmer? Hmm . . .


30 Can We Meet Our Challenges?

31 Think About the Federal Agenda
This is a moment of unparalleled and fundamental change – role of government in market and the social balance of power Everything should be framed in terms of investment impacts for the future and the role of equity and unions in sustaining the economy

32 A New Story, A New Hope Preparing for a new generation
Understanding and developing a new narrative that connects us

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