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Survey of Structured Reporting in MRI of rectal cancer

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1 Survey of Structured Reporting in MRI of rectal cancer
Dr Eric Loveday North Bristol NHS Trust

2 10 Invitations sent out to specialist reporters across the region using a SurveyMonkey in the following trusts: UHB, NBT, YDH, WGH, TST, GHT. 7 respondents (including myself!)

3 MRI in rectal cancer 5/7 are using structured reports
4 using an agreed department template 2 using their own, 2 using national template based on Pelican etc. Agreement on the essential data items (location, CRM, TNM, EMVI etc)

4 CT in colon cancer 3/7 using structured reports
1 of whom using an agreed dept template

5 “Do you think structured radiology reporting in colorectal cancer has the potential to improve patient care across the board?” 6/7 answered yes “Do you think the College should promote national standards for Structured Reporting?”

6 “In the absence of any leadership from the College, do you think the teams in the SWAG network should take a lead in harmonising reporting standards across the patch?” 7/7 answered yes

7 Considerations/next steps
Is this the domain of the SSG? Is there benefit in encouraging a uniform template (as for pathology) or is it best to go for specifying the core data items (Pragmatism vs perfection) Do we offer guidance only or “enforcement through inspection/audit” (Compare similar work happening re. mpMRI prostate.) Any guidance should include technical aspects for optimising MRI.

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