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EXTENDED SCHOOL JOURNEY Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July 2020

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Presentation on theme: "EXTENDED SCHOOL JOURNEY Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July 2020"— Presentation transcript:

1 EXTENDED SCHOOL JOURNEY Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July 2020
Year 6 Residential 2020 EXTENDED SCHOOL JOURNEY Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July 2020

2 Welcome Meeting overview: Organisation and trip information
Kit list and what to wear Forms to be completed Questions

3 Staffing will be confirmed closer to the date of the trip.

4 Where will we be staying?
We will be spending the week at a Residential Adventure Centre, located near Upminster, Essex.

5 Where will we be staying?
We will be staying in a tented village called Chestnut Camp. Each tent accommodates up to 10 children. Children will name 2 children that they would like to share with before the journey and we will group children with at least one of these friends. We will be catered for in our own 60 foot marquee, complete with kitchen, tables and benches.

6 Menu Typical Menu

7 Activities 4 x 4 Jeep x2 Climbing Kayaking Abseiling Archery
Jet Ski Rides Sailing Open Canoeing Banana Boats Raft Building Paddleboards Team Challenge Rifle Shooting Laser Tag 1 Children will be put into 6 groups, each group will do 2 activities on Monday and 4 activities Tuesday to Thursday.

8 An average day at Stubbers
07.30 08.00 09.15 10.45 11.00 12.30 1.15 2.45 Wake up Breakfast Activity 1 Break Activity 2 Lunch Activity 3 3.00 4.30 5.00 6.30 7.30 9.00 10.30 Activity 4 Shower Dinner Evening Activity Supper Lights out

9 Monday 28th June 2020 Departure arrangements
08.30 – arrive at school via café entrance with hand luggage, sleeping pack and backpack/holdall/suitcase. Stack bags in/out of the café Give any medicines and pocket money to a member of staff. 10.00 depart, parents are welcome to come and wave us off.

10 What to wear? Land Activities Water Activities
Each day may include water and/or land based activities. Land Activities Wear comfortable long sleeved tops, trousers and sturdy shoes. Water Activities Wear swimwear under outer clothing. Tight old shoes that will not come off. Have a change of clothes for afterwards.

11 Kit list Clothing Underwear x 8 Socks x 8 Swimwear x 1
Long trousers x 10 ( Joggers or leggings) Shorts x 2 T-Shirts x 10 Jumpers / fleece x 5 Coat Sun hat Night wear, warm pyjamas, thick socks and spare jumper for cold nights. Dressing gown or thick jumper for night time toilet visits Waterproof coat Dry shoes x 2 (Trainers, lace up plimsolls) Wet shoes x 1 (lace up plimsolls are ideal, no crocs) Wellies x 1

12 Kit list Wash bag Soap Toothbrush Toothpaste Shower gel Towel x 5
Deodorant (Roll on only please) Anti mosquito spray (Please check your child is not allergic to this before the trip) Sun cream Hairbrush Shampoo Hair bands (Hair must be tied back for activities) Tissues

13 Kit list Bedding and other bits Thick sleeping bag Pillow
Bin bags x 2 (for wet clothing) Torch and spare batteries Personal item (Picture / teddy) Metal / plastic thermal camping mug

14 Kit list Hand luggage A refillable water bottle
Disposable camera (Named) Items for coach journey (Top Trumps, book, paper pen etc)

15 Kit list DO NOT BRING Food / Sweets Hair dryer Hair straighteners
Jewellery (Children may wear studs) Mobile phone Digital cameras Chewing gum Electrical items of any kind (iPods etc)

16 These should both be named with the name labels provided.
Baggage Suitcase / backpack / holdall, children should be able to carry this themselves as they will need to carry it to and from the coach. Bedding sack, all bedding should be placed inside a strong, waterproof bin bag. This will protect it from getting wet while being carried to and from the coach. These should both be named with the name labels provided. This will enable children to locate their own bags upon arrival.

17 Money and Medication Money Medication
£10.00 maximum, in change please. Hand money to the class teacher on or before the morning of departure in the provided envelope. Medication Please hand this to your child’s teacher on the morning of departure. Ensure it is named and that you have completed a medical form for each item. (Please pack any medication in provided named bag.) Medication might include, pain relief, antihistamine cream, travel sickness tablets etc.

18 Contact Information Each day we will ring into school and regularly update Twitter with a host of photos from the activities. We have all your contact details and if need be we can call you, please ensure these are all up to date. We really encourage children not to contact home (it tends to make even the mildest home sickness worse). We know we have precious cargo and will do everything we can to make sure your children have a safe and happy time .

19 Information Packs You will receive a Stubbers pack closer to the date of the trip which will include forms such as: Student contract Data collection sheet Permission for publicity Medical information sheet Money bag

20 Coming home Friday 3rd July 2020
We are aiming to arrive back at school at 2pm, you will be updated via SchoolComms if there are any changes to this. Please leave the lay-by clear for the coach to park, and wait on the KS1 playground. You should meet your child on the KS1 playground, where they can be signed out by their group leader. Bags and bedding sacks will be off loaded from the coach and put on the playground for collection, this will avoid congestion near the busy road.

21 Questions Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the upcoming 2020 Stubbers trip.

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