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Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Wednesday 19 June 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Wednesday 19 June 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Wednesday 19 June 2019

2 Opening Night Tonight! Get your tickets from the office before they are all gone! Show Team

3 Help Needed! Mrs Zielinski is looking for help at Front of House for the school show. Please come to the Art Dept. To sign up! Mrs Zielinski

4 Royal Highland Show Trip
Pupils going on this trip should come to a short meeting today at break in Mr Duncan’s room. Mr Duncan

5 S6 YASS Pupils There will be a meeting for all S6 pupils who have chosen YASS during period 4 on Thursday 20 June. The meeting will take place in G3.07 in the Art Dept. Anyone who cannot attend at this time must see Miss Bones to pick up an application form. Miss Bones

6 Wimbledon Trip Pupils should return their completed PC forms to Mr Hamilton and collect an itinerary for the trip. Mr Hamilton

7 House Challenge! After a fantastic Sports Day, the House Challenge leaderboard is as follows: Dalhousie 751 Melville 700 Buccleuch 630 Lothian 434

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