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The Changing Objects of Faith for Initial Salvation

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1 The Changing Objects of Faith for Initial Salvation
Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:1-27 Revelation 11:3,15

2 Introduction If we read mail that is addressed to someone else as if it were written to ourselves, the result will be confusion. The term ‘eisigesis’ (reading into) describes this problem. When the Scriptures are read without distinguishing the recipients, confusion of God’s Word will abound. This morning, we will begin our series in "Understanding Biblical Distinctions" by observing the changing objects of faith for initial salvation.

3 The Unchangeable Aspects of Salvation
The Basis for Salvation is Always the Same: Christ’s Cross-Work Rom 3:25-26 Christ is the “place of satisfaction” (the propitiatory) By means of His blood Faith, and only Faith, Always the Means of Receiving Salvation Rom 3:25a, 27 Heb 11:6a

4 The Changeable Objects of Faith for Salvation (God can righteously make any hope an object of faith for salvation) Abraham Gen 15:1-6; Rom 4:1-5 Saved by faith not by his works The object of his faith was a future progeny as “numerous as the stars”, NOT the death and resurrection of Christ During Christ’s Early Ministry Jn 8:24 The object of faith was that “Jesus is God!” Matt 16:13-17 Jn 6:35-36

5 The Changeable Objects of Faith for Salvation (God can righteously make any hope an object of faith for salvation) During the Dispensation of Grace (Pentecost to the Rapture of the Church) Christ’s finished Cross-work: His death for sin and bodily resurrection Jn 3:16 Acts 16:31 I Cor 15:3-4 Acts 10:34-43; 13:28-30, 38-39

6 The Changeable Objects of Faith for Salvation throughout Human History
Enoch (Gen 5:21-24; Heb 11:5-6; Jude 14-15) Object of faith for initial salvation That God exists He could be found if searched for That God would reward the seeker Enoch found God He walked with God after Methuselah’s birth Gen 5:21-22 Enoch’s reward: God told Enoch of the coming judgment upon all the ungodly Jude 12-15

7 The Changeable Objects of Faith for Salvation throughout Human History
David (Rom 4:6-8; Ps 32:1-2; I Sam 17:37-47; Josh 3:10) Object of faith for initial salvation: That the living God is among us Josh 3:10 That HE, without fail, will drive out the inhabitants from the Promised Land

8 The Changeable Objects of Faith for Salvation throughout Human History
Tribulation Believers (Matt 24:14; Rev 7:1-8) Object of faith for initial salvation: The One who died for my sins and bodily rose again is coming soon to - End the violent opposition to God Judge those alive at His return Reign over the earth

9 The Changeable Objects of Faith for Salvation throughout Human History
Millennial Believers (Rev 11:15; 20:7-8) Object of faith for initial salvation: This One who died for my sins and rose bodily from the dead, will reign into the ages from the ages.

10 Conclusion Salvation is always based on Christ’s cross-work alone.
Salvation is always appropriated by faith The object of faith for salvation has changed throughout human history Always the object of God’s choosing

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