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SAT Vocabulary.

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1 SAT Vocabulary

2 Accolade (n.)—tribute, honor, praise
On field day, I was presented with many accolades for my athletic ability.

3 Bolster (n./v.)—support, prop up
The column bolsters the weight of the roof, so it does not collapse.

4 Obliterate (v.)—destroy, demolish, eradicate
The tornado obliterated the neighborhood.

5 Tentative (adj.)—not certain
Don’t make tentative decisions on your SATs.

6 Acquiesce (v.)—to agree to, give in to
When you get older, you’re sometimes ashamed of the fashions you acquiesced to when you were younger.

7 Curtail (v.)—cut short Kayne curtailed Taylor’s speech at the VMAs.

8 Heed (n./v.)—listen to Sometimes, we take heed to the wrong suggestions.

9 Acrid (adj.)—sharp, pungent
Some fancy cheeses have an acrid aroma.

10 Boorish (adj.)—ill-mannered
Mr. Burns is exceptionally boorish toward his employees.

11 Cynical (adj.)—believing that people act only out of selfish motives
Brian has a cynical view of the world, which is why he hates everything and drinks doggy-martinis.

12 Obscure (adj./v.)—difficult to understand, partially hidden
The teacher made an obscure reference to a cartoon she watched in the 90s.

13 Poignant (adj.)—deeply moving, strongly affecting the emotions
Sarah Mclachlan’s commercials for the ASPCA are poignant, as they always show sad looking animals.

14 Respite (n.)—a break, intermission
Coffee; the perfect respite on a busy day.

15 Terse (adj.)—concise, to the point
Her was terse, which I appreciated.

16 Hiatus (n.)—interruption, pause
Weekends are simply a hiatus from the school week!

17 Debunk (v.)—to expose false claims or myths
It is difficult to debunk urban legends and long-standing stories.

18 Languish (v.)—decay, fade away, get weaker
It is disappointing when buildings are left to languish.

19 Thwart (v.)—prevent, frustrate
Homer’s love of bacon thwarts his ability to be focused.

20 Adamant (adj.)—forceful, inflexible
The NRA is adamant that the government allow people to have any guns they wish to own.

21 Brawny (adj.)—muscular
Brawny paper towels have their name because they are strong enough to wipe up all your messes.

22 Equivocate (v.)—Speak ambiguously, avoid telling the truth
People are often distrustful of politicians, as they tend to have equivocated responses.

23 Ponderous (adj.)—weighty, slow and heavy
Some decisions require careful, ponderous thought.

24 Adroit (adj.)—skillful
Learning these SAT words will only make you more adroit on the test. You’re welcome.

25 Brevity (n.)—being brief
When writing, teachers appreciate brevity, instead of just writing garbage to meet a page minimum.

26 Decorum (n.)—dignified, correct behavior
Members of the military are always in perfect decorum.

27 Hinder (v.)—obstruct The tree hindered the path of the train.

28 Obsolete (adj.)—no longer valid
The VHS recording tape is now obsolete—we have On Demand and DVR now.

29 Pontificate (v.)—speak pompously or dogmatically
In one episode, Peter became a genius and began to pontificate on all subjects.

30 Tirade (n.)—stream of verbal abuse
Bob Knight, former Indiana coach, was known for his severe tirades.

31 Erratic (adj.)—wandering, irregular
Miley Cyrus’ erratic behavior has the media very confused about who she is.

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