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Presentation on theme: "PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1"— Presentation transcript:

SUBJECT (Week 18) Date: 23 – 27 Jan 2011 Loc: Room 50 – W. Martin MATH 6A – PER 2 & 6 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 3 &4 PIRATE COLLEGE ACADEMY Period 1 STANDARD 6NS1.2 Interpret and use rations in different contexts, for example, miles per hours, to show the relative sizes of two quantities. 1d. Students know that earthquakes are sudden motions along breaks in the crust called faults and that volcanoes and fissures are locations where magma reaches the surface. 2NS4.3 Know that when all fractional parts are included, such as four-fourths, the result is equal to the whole and to one. LEARNING OBJECTIVE Solve problems involving rates. Students will explain the composition of magma controls volcanic eruptions and determines the different types of lava flow and volcanic features. I want you to tell me what a fraction is and how it is used. Use your Cornell notes to show me what you have learned. AGENDA Introduce Chapter 6-2, Rates Lecture using CD and DVD Brain Pop on Rates Small group activities on Internet over Chapter 6- 2 material. Introduce chapter 7-2:Volcanic Eruptions Check foldable, pg 291. Show Brain Pop on Volcanoes. Look at Movie Volcano. Chapter 2-3 Least Common Denominator and Greatest Common Factor. Show Brain Pop on LCD and GCF. DO NOW ACTIVITY Do the warm up problems on the blackboard. Get your Cornell notes out or your foldable and take notes. Students take home all projects and work and clear display boards. Get out your Cornell notes and foldable and be prepared to take notes for the lecture. Put your volcano models on the tables. Take out your work book and work with your study buddy to ensure you have lesson 2-23completed. Circle all the problems you wish the teacher to explain in detail. HOMEWORK Start Reading Chapter 6-2, Rates on page 287 and do problems 1-55, page 289 to 299. Start reading Lesson 7-2. Volcanic Eruptions Answer questions 1 to 8, on all three lessons, on page 311. Do pages 51 to 58. Finish Chapter 2 and all the lessons for this week TEST Test will be on ten to twenty problems from Chapter 6-2 above. Your test will be on Chapter 7-2 You will take the Standards Test on the internet. Test will be on LCD and GCF out of your workbooks. EXTRA CREDIT Make the foldable on page Label on side with lesson 6-2 and use it to place your notes on it. Keep this foldable in your folder and add more lessons when get to them later on in the school year Make a model of a Volcano on page 305 or 308. Label the parts and tell the class how it works. Your presentation may be used as your test grade if you do a good job! Draw factor tree of the numbers 12, 20, 36 and 60 neatly on a sheet of paper for your extra credit. Look in your workbook for a good example.

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