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What is the EATS pre/post survey and how do I use it?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the EATS pre/post survey and how do I use it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the EATS pre/post survey and how do I use it?
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 What is the EATS pre/post survey and how do I use it? W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

2 Purpose Introduce Eating and Activity Tool for Students (EATS)
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Purpose Introduce Eating and Activity Tool for Students (EATS) Describe EATS pre/post survey Identify which EATS modules to use Review EATS administration protocol Discuss EATS data entry Share results available W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

3 Eating and Activity Tool for Students (EATS)
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Eating and Activity Tool for Students (EATS) W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

4 EATS: Describing the Tool
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 EATS: Describing the Tool NPI developed and tested for CDPH Pre/post youth behavior survey Grades 4+ Consent cover page Three modules Fruits and vegetables (FV) Sweetened beverages and water (SB) Physical Activity (PA) English and Spanish Used in school and other settings Administer at beginning/end of school year At least 6 hours of DE over 4 weeks Posted on website: Youth Evaluation Tools Most questions reference yesterday: Dietary intake questions and when doing PA at school A few reflect on last week: Days having PE, time spent doing PA in PE, days getting 60+ PA W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

5 Activity 1: What grades can you administer EATS in and why?
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Activity 1: What grades can you administer EATS in and why? Chat in your response W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

6 Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Activity 2: What is the minimum intervention (# of DE hours & weeks) for EATS administration and why? Chat in your response W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

7 Selecting EATS Modules
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Selecting EATS Modules Sweetened Beverages and Water (SB) Fruits and Vegetables (FV) Physical Activity (PA) W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

8 EATS: Selecting Modules (e.g. FV, SB, PA)
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 EATS: Selecting Modules (e.g. FV, SB, PA) Select specific EATS modules based on your intervention(s) Review FFY Recommended Evaluation Tools and SMART Objectives Consider DE and PSEs W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

9 Activity 3: Select which EATS module(s) to use? (e.g. FV, SB, PA)
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Activity 3: Select which EATS module(s) to use? (e.g. FV, SB, PA) Teachers administer UP4it in a few 4th/5th grade classrooms at K-5 school Chat in your response W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

10 Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Activity 4: Select which EATS module(s) to use and with whom? (e.g. FV, SB, PA) Teachers administer TWIGS and CATCH PE in all grades at K-8 school Chat in your response W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

11 EATS: Survey Versions Posted Online
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 EATS: Survey Versions Posted Online Posted on website: Youth Evaluation Tools W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

12 EATS Administration Intro to EATS 9/23/2019

13 EATS Administration Protocol
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 EATS Administration Protocol Lengthy protocol, but very helpful detail! Who should administer When to administer Materials needed Student consent Unique student ID Before you begin – prompts to help students w/recall Survey administration script Question-specific troubleshooting Collect and review surveys W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

14 Who Should Administer EATS
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Who Should Administer EATS UCCE staff who: Attend EATS webinar Read the EATS administration protocol Now, we are going to walk through the protocol section by section and touch on the key points. W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

15 When to Administer EATS
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 When to Administer EATS Administer: Pre-survey – early in school year, after the first full week, before intervention begins Post-survey – toward end of school year, after programming wraps up On a day following a regular school day (e.g. Tues-Fri) – not after wknd or holiday Pre/post surveys at the same time, in the same way, with the same staff W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

16 Materials Needed Surveys (1 per student, 1 copy for you, extras)
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Materials Needed Surveys (1 per student, 1 copy for you, extras) Pencils (1 per student, extras) Survey administration protocol School breakfast and lunch menus from previous day W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

17 Student Consent UCD IRB requires consent cover page on EATS
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Student Consent UCD IRB requires consent cover page on EATS Read aloud to class Pre and Post W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

18 Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Unique Student ID Use Student ID (not name) to match pre and post surveys W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

19 Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Before You Begin Assess class – read survey aloud (4th/5th) or complete independently Regroup to complete PA Begin by using prompts to help students recall what they ate yesterday and physical activities they did. W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

20 Helping Kids Recall Yesterday’s Intake
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Helping Kids Recall Yesterday’s Intake Write yesterday’s day of the week and date on the board Use prompts to help students recall what they did yesterday, where they may have been, what meals they ate, and when they ate or drank. Add foods served for school breakfast and lunch yesterday (from menu) W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

21 Helping Kids Recall Physical Activity
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Helping Kids Recall Physical Activity Use prompts to help students recall: When they did physical activity yesterday at school Over the last week, what days they had PE, PE activities they did, and days they were active for 60+ minutes Add PE days and activities (ask teacher) W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

22 Survey Administration Script
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Survey Administration Script Highly encouraged Instruction format Administration notes (e.g. Do) Read aloud (e.g. Say) Script flow Consent Student ID, characteristics FV/SB Modules PA Module W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

23 Question-Specific Troubleshooting
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Question-Specific Troubleshooting Example: Fruits and Vegetables Module Question 3 (Salad or green vegetables): If there are other leafy greens consumed that are not listed, have the student include them; however, do not include other green vegetables besides broccoli and green beans (include them in Question 4 – other vegetables). See example from FV module – Question 3 W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

24 Collect and Review Surveys
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Collect and Review Surveys Verify Completion Student IDs All survey questions Bubbles – one answer Boxes – mark all that apply Follow up with students if needed Thank students and teacher! W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

25 Activity 5: Name ONE key takeaway critical for administering EATS.
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Activity 5: Name ONE key takeaway critical for administering EATS. Chat in your response W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

26 EATS Administration: Key Takeaways
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 EATS Administration: Key Takeaways Only trained UCCE staff administer EATS Collect on Tues-Fri (Wed-Fri if Mon holiday) Administer pre/post surveys - same time, way, and staff Read student consent  Required by IRB Use prompts to help kids recall intake/activity Use script to ensure you cover salient points Know your audience  Take the survey together as a class or individually Review troubleshooting ahead of time Review surveys for completion before leaving W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

27 Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Activity 6: Share best practices for administering pre/post surveys with students… Chat in your response From Shannon Klisch SLO/SB: from her teams’ experiences administering SHCP student pre/post surveys -Consider standardized test schedules when deciding when to administer the post test to avoid testing fatigue (try to get them in earlier) -Use only the modules that are applicable, don’t waste their time -Are there any other best practices that other teams who have collected pre/post data from students would like to share? W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

28 EATS Data Entry Intro to EATS 9/23/2019

29 Entering EATS Data Enter EATS surveys in PEARS
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Entering EATS Data Enter EATS surveys in PEARS Attach to Program Activities Collect pre and post surveys before entering Only enter matched pre/post surveys ID#s must be identical See PEARS Surveys Tip Sheet for step-by-step instructions on how to enter surveys into PEARS W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

30 EATS Results State Office supporting EATS analysis
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 EATS Results State Office supporting EATS analysis Summary statistics available in PEARS (see next slide) Note: Accurate and complete data entry = accurate results summaries Emphasize the importance of accurate and complete data entry so auto-generated results are accurate. W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

31 Adult Physical Activity Survey Results
Intro to EATS 9/23/2019 Adult Physical Activity Survey Results Summary Statistics in PEARS W:\FSNEPDrop\01.5 EVALUATION\EVALUATION TRAINING\FFY2019\EATS\Intro to EATS_FINAL

32 Thank you! Intro to EATS 9/23/2019

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