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However Sources of heat to our planet:

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Presentation on theme: "However Sources of heat to our planet:"— Presentation transcript:

1 However Sources of heat to our planet:
solar radiation 100 W m-2 geothermal inputs  W m-2 Tides (small) (from last lecture) The Ocean Circulation is generally considered to be forced by wind stress, heat and freshwater fluxes at the sea surface. However

2 Estimates of the Effects of Geothermal Heating on the mean temperature profiles in the World Ocean

3 Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean
Changes in the Vertical Circulation of the Ocean (Thermohaline Circulation) Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean

4 Why ocean bathymetry?

5 TODAY Review of ocean physiography -skip How do we measure bathymetry? Why is ocean bathymetry important?



8 The Physiography of the North Atlantic Ocean Floor
continental margins deep ocean basins midoceanic ridges

9 The Physiography of the North Atlantic Ocean Floor

10 Type of continental margins

11 Passive Margin

12 Transport of sediments from the shelf to the continental rise

13 Transform faults and Fracture zones

14 Hydrothermal Vents

15 How do we measure bathymetry?

16 What does it mean to be at an altitude of 4000 m?
It mean that I am 4000 m above the Mean Sea Level (MSL)

17 Model of the shape of the Earth
geoid: The equipotential surface of the Earth's gravity field which best fits, in a least squares sense, global mean sea level (MSL)

18 The height of the Earth surface




22 Why ocean bathymetry?

23 Ocean Circulation and Climate
Heat Transport affected by topography!

24 Ocean Circulation and Climate
Ocean Currents take different paths!

25 Ocean Circulation and Climate
Deep ocean mixing and pathways

26 Ocean Circulation and Climate
Mixing energy and dissipation of tides!

27 Ocean Circulation and Biology
Seamounts ….

28 Societal impacts Tsunami

29 Societal impacts Gas and oil extraction

30 Before you go … Due next Wed. Sept. 6, 2006
1) Reading material on Class Website Satellite Topography and Oceanography from Space 2) Homework #2 assigned. Due next Wed. Sept. 6, 2006

31 Understanding Isostacy and Buoyancy



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