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Agenda: 1) Media Center HOMEWORK: Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow

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1 Agenda: 1) Media Center HOMEWORK: Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow
Agenda: 1) Media Center HOMEWORK: Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow!!! Know the spelling! Monday, 8/29/2016

2 disembodied Separated from or lacking a body

3 Evasive Tending or trying to avoid

4 Foray A trip into the unknown

5 Deviant A person who does not follow customary or accepted behavior

6 Vaporization The process of making a thing disappear by changing it into a fog or mist.

7 Languish To remain unattended or neglected

8 Mutation A change within a creature’s genes that results in a new trait or characteristic.

9 Ostentatious Fancy; showy

10 Pugnacious Argumentative Aggressive

11 COPIOUS More than enough; plentiful

12 “The Last Dog” Page 44 Things to think about:
What does the unusual technology in the dome suggest about the time in which the story place?

13 Comprehension and discussion questions
What experiences led Brock to leave the dome? In a way, is nature outside the dome different from what Brock has been taught? Why do you think dome scientists and leaders have not updated their information about the outside environment? What details suggest that Brock is already enjoying the companionship of the puppy? In the first half of the story, how does Brock know what emotions he is feeling? Why does Brock fool the scientists into thinking he and Brog have rabies? How does meeting Brog change Brock’s life?

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