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Developing current and global issue understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing current and global issue understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing current and global issue understanding.
W/C: Monday 16th October 2017 NEWS THINK @ HAPU Developing current and global issue understanding.

2 Developing current and global issue understanding.
World Homeless Day GLOBAL ISSUE 3: TASK: Looking at the images identify what you think is the topic of discussion today. BONUS: Consider the attitudes, feelings, emotions of those in the images. Try and agree of a phrase that sums-up the images. Developing current and global issue understanding.


4 What is ’homelessness’?
GLOBAL ISSUE 3: Homelessness What is ’homelessness’? The definition of homelessness means not having a home. You are homeless if you have nowhere to stay and are living on the streets, but you can be homeless even if you have a roof over your head. It is a GLOBAL ISSUE. TASK: Write a TWEET that sums up your view on homelessness

5 GLOBAL ISSUE 3: Homelessness
TASK: Watch the video. What is the key message? Does anything surprise you? Developing current and global issue understanding.

6 GLOBAL ISSUE 3: Homelessness
TASK: Look at the map of homelessness in the UK. What is the general pattern in the UK? Which region/areas have the most homelessness? Does anything surprise you about the distribution of homelessness? Developing current and global issue understanding.

7 TASK: What could we do as a school community to support homeless people in our community?

8 GLOBAL ISSUE 3: Homelessness
TASK: You will be split into TWO groups, you need to provide arguments that support your position on the statement. Get ready to share! Homelessness is evidence that the UK is not a caring country. Developing current and global issue understanding.

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