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Census Implementing Regulations

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1 Census Implementing Regulations
Directors of Social Statistics 22-23 September 2008

2 Background Regulation 763/2008 in force since 13.8.2008
Regulation 763/2008 prescribes Topics to be covered Implementing measures with scrutiny: statistical programme, metadata without scrutiny: breakdowns, technical specifications, technical format for transmission, quality reports Intense consultation process since mid-2006 7 Task Force meetings 2 Working Group meetings 3 Written consultations

3 Technical specifications and breakdowns
Strictly based on CES Recommendations Breakdowns take into account data availability and particular difficulties of register-based censuses Breakdowns with different levels of detail (S, M, L) Most frequently used breakdowns aggregate information strongly (S, M) Technical specifications take into account data availability (e.g., residence of students)

4 Programme of statistical data (= hypercubes)
Hypercubes strictly linked to topics of Framework Regulation Bulk of information on level of NUTS 2 Focus on themes of important Commission policies: Employment Migration Rural development Strict limitation of maximum size of hypercubes NUTS 2: 6000 relevant cells LAU 2/ NUTS 3: 600 relevant cells

5 Next steps concerning: Breakdowns, technical specifications, hypercubes
Integration of adaptations agreed in Working Group meeting of 9 and 10 September 2008 Decision on breakdown of unemployed by former occupation and industry Written consultation of Working Group on remaining open issues: 3 additional migration hypercubes (on over-/ under-qualification and on naturalisation) Interservice Consultation of the Commission SPC: Committee Procedure Breakdowns, technical specifications: end 2008 Hypercubes: beginning 2009

6 Further next steps Task Force on confidentiality
November 2008 February 2009 April 2009 Task Force on quality and metadata Early 2009 Spring 2009 WG meeting June 2009 Draft implementing measures concerning quality report and metadata Confidentiality treatment

7 In parallel Continuation of pilot project “census hub”
Current participants: DE, IE, IT, UK New participants confirmed: CZ, SI, HR Implementing measure on technical format for the data transmission

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