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Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Oct 2018

Alignment of the DPSA’s Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan to the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) Alignment with 2019 – 2024 MTSF and the State of the Nation Address Constitutional and Legislative Mandates Chapter 13 of the National Development Plan 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan (APP) 2019/2021 Budget Allocations

3 INTRODUCTION This is a presentation on the:
Overview of the Strategic Plan for the period 2015/2020 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan Budget Allocations for the 2019/2021 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). The 2015/2020 Strategic Plan was tabled in Parliament on the 11th of March 2015. Since its tabling, only the strategic objectives have been revised in line with the assessment feedback from National Treasury and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME).

4 ALIGNMENT OF THE DPSA’S STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN TO THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND THE MEDIUM TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK The 2015/2020 Strategic Plan has been informed by the NDP in particular Chapter 13 which identifies key actions to be implemented by the DPSA towards the realisation of: “An efficient, effective and development oriented public service” The NDP has been translated into the MTSF which has identified key actions to be implemented and monitored during the 5 year period The DPSA’s 2015/2020 Strategic Plan is also informed by the work done by the Department as informed by the Constitutional and Legislative Mandates The 2019/20 APP is aligned to the & 2019 – 2024 MTSF and also includes other projects and interventions linked to the DPSA’s Mandate and Policy Priorities

The Department is required to implement the following priorities (highlighted in green) from the 2019 – 2024 MTSF and State of the Nation Address: Priority 1: Transform the Economy to Serve the People Priority 2: Advance Social Transformation Priority 3: Build Safer Communities, Fight Corruption and Promote Integrity Outcome: Improved level of trust in the public sector and credibility of public institutions Priority 4: Strengthen Governance and Public Institutions Outcome: Improved governance and intergovernmental and engagement with citizens Outcome: Honest and capable state with professional and meritocratic public servants Outcome: Professional and ethical Public Service Outcome: Developmental state and compact with citizens, responsiveness, public trust Outcome: Strengthen relations and efficiency in government Priority 5: Build National Unity and Embrace Diversity Priority 6: South Africa, Africa and the World Outcome: Increase investment opportunities for foreign direct investment in the South African economy Priority 7: Preconditions for Success: Electricity, Water, Rail & Ports and Climate Change Outcome: Rehabilitation and restructuring of State Owned Enterprises and State Owned Public Entities. These priorities are translated into targets in the 2019/20 APP.


The Department of Public Service and Administration draws its mandate from Section 197 (1) and (2) of the Constitution, which provides that within public administration there is a Public Service for the Republic, which must function, and be structured, in terms of national legislation, and which must loyally execute the lawful policies of the government of the day. The terms and conditions of employment in the Public Service must be regulated by national legislation. Employees are entitled to a fair pension as regulated by national legislation. In terms of the Public Service Act of 1994, as amended, the Minister for the Public Service and Administration is responsible for establishing norms and standards relating to; The functions of the Public Service; The organisational structures and establishments of departments and other organisational and governance arrangements in the Public Service; The conditions of service and other employment practices for employees; Labour relations in the Public Service Health and wellness of employees; Information management in the Public Service; Electronic government; Integrity, ethics, conduct and anti-corruption in the Public Service; and Transformation, reform, innovation and any other matter to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Public Service and its service delivery to the public.

The Public Administration Management Act, 2014 seeks to promote the values and principles contained in section 195(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 by establishing a framework that creates a unified system of public administration that traverses all three spheres of government. The Public Administration Management Act provides for:- employee mobility between all three spheres of government through transfers and secondments; the prohibition of employees and special advisers from doing business with the State; the disclosure of financial interests of employees, special advisers and their spouses/ life partners; the Minister to determine minimum norms and standards relating to, amongst others, section 195 (1) values and principles; capacity development and training; Information and Communication Technology in the public administration; integrity, ethics and disciple; disclosure of financial interests; measures to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of institutions; the Minister to issue regulations regarding a framework for the establishment, promotion and maintenance of service centres to enhance service delivery of services to the public; the establishment of an Public Administration Ethics, Integrity and Disciplinary Technical Assistance Unit to strengthen oversight of ethics, integrity and discipline management and to put in place measures to deal with corruption related misconduct in the public administration; the establishment of the Office of Standards and Compliance to ensure compliance with minimum norms and standards set by the Minister.

Chapters 13 of the NDP has identified the following strategic goals which must be met to achieve the vision of “an efficient, effective and development oriented public service”:

For the 2019/20 financial year, the Department has 35 annual targets, which are further broken down into quarterly targets. Of the 35 annual targets, 22 (63%) of the targets are from the and Medium Term Strategic Framework and 13 (37%) are other departmental priority projects. The implementation of the quarterly targets will be monitored on a monthly basis to track progress towards the achievement of the annual targets. Progress on the achievement of the quarterly targets will be reported to the: Executive Authority; Accounting Officer; Portfolio Committee; Audit Committee National Treasury; and Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. The overall achievement against the 2019/20 annual targets will be reported in the 2019/20 Annual Report of the Department.

PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION NO PURPOSE: Provide strategic leadership, management and support services to the Department, and coordinate the Department’s international relations 1. The submission of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd quarter Interim Financial Statements and the Annual Financial Statements to National Treasury complied with 2. 2 compliance reports on the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) status submitted to the Chief Financial Officer 3. 4 quarterly reports on the implementation of the Annual Performance Plan submitted to the Executive Authority, National Treasury and DPME by the prescribed deadlines 4. 4 quarterly progress reports on the implementation of the Internal Audit and Risk management plans submitted to the Audit and Risk Committees 5. 4 quarterly reports on the DPSA’s compliance to Financial Management, Human Resources and Labour Relations Prescripts submitted to the Director-General 6. 4 quarterly reports on the implementation of the DPSA’s Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral agreements and programmes submitted to the Director-General

PROGRAMME 2: POLICY DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS NO PURPOSE: Manage and oversee the setting and translation of public administration norms and standards into administrative policy instruments using the research and policy analysis techniques. Manage the organizational functionality assessments of Public Service efficiency and effectiveness which informs public administration reforms 1. Subject to approval of the draft Strategic Framework for Norms and Standards by the MPSA; institutionalization of selected aspects towards the draft regulations for the Office of Standards and Compliance conducted (New MTSF –implementation of single public administration) 2. Business case on the structure and governance of the Office of Standards submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF –implementation of single public administration) 3. Report on support provided to departments to improve on areas of non-compliance with Public Service legislative and regulatory prescripts as identified in the 2017/18 Auditor-General report submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF) 4. Revised performance information areas (to be submitted to the Auditor-General) for inclusion in the Annual Report Format submitted to the Director-General 5. Report on the implementation of recommendations made towards the establishment of a national administration to support the Public Administration and Management Act (PAMA) submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF – implementation of single public administration)

PROGRAMME 2: POLICY DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS (Cont.) 6. Subject to approval by the MPSA; further consultation with selected national and provincial departments towards the legislative drafting of the draft White Paper for the Transformation and Modernisation of public administration conducted (New MTSF –implementation of single public administration) 7. Report on linking organisational productivity assessment with the Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF –implementation of single public administration) 8. Report on the state of readiness of departments to Organizational Functionality Assessment (OFA) Tool submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF –implementation of single public administration)

PROGRAMME 3: PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICES NO PURPOSE: Develop and implement and monitor labour relations, human resource management and remuneration policies and guidelines. Ensure coordinated collective bargaining 1. Report on the average percentage of funded vacant posts on PERSAL submitted to the Director-General (MTSF) 2. Policy support provided, through engagements, to national departments and provincial administrations on the implementation of the revised Senior Management Service Performance Management and Development System (MTSF) 3. Report on the graduate recruitment scheme framework submitted to the Director-General (MTSF) 4. Report on the appointment of persons into developmental programmes within the Public Service submitted to the Director-General (MTSF) 5. 4 quarterly reports on the average number of days taken to resolve disciplinary cases and precautionary suspension cases by national and provincial departments submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF – implement accountability and consequence management) 6. 4 quarterly reports on the implementation of the Government Employee Housing Scheme (GEHS) submitted to the Director-General (The Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council Resolution 7 of 2015) 7. Report on the establishment of the housing finance solution for the GEHS submitted to the Director-General (The Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council Resolution 7 of 2015)

PROGRAMME 4: GOVERNMENT CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER NO PURPOSE: Create an environment for the deployment of information technology (IT) as a strategic tool of public administration. Minimise, control and maintain IT related risks and costs in the Public Service 1. The priority e-Government initiatives to support digital transformation for the public administration submitted to the Director-General (Cabinet requested initiatives to support digital transformation) 2. Report on the ICT expenditure by all national and provincial departments submitted to the Director-General (To track and report ICT expenditure in the Public Service) 3. Public Service Information Security Standard submitted to the Director-General (Requirement in terms of Section 94 of the Public Service Regulations) 4. Revised Corporate Governance of ICT Policy Framework submitted to the Director-General (To improve governance of ICT in the Public Service)

PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY SUPPORT NO PURPOSE: Manage and facilitate the improvement of service delivery in government 1. Report on the implementation of the Operations Management Framework by 3 prioritised departments submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF – improved Operations Management) 2. Report on the institutionalisation of the framework for the establishment, promotion and maintenance of service centres submitted to the Director-General (MTSF) 3. Service Delivery Model for the Public Service submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF & SONA - restructuring the service delivery model to best serve citizens) 4. Report on the implementation of the Service Delivery Improvement Plans by all national and provincial departments submitted to the Director-General (MTSF) 5. Report on the implementation of the Batho Pele standards by all national and provincial departments submitted to the Director-General (MTSF)

PROGRAMME 5: SERVICE DELIVERY SUPPORT 6. Report on the inspections and unannounced visits conducted at service sites submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF - step up Public Service performance inspections and unannounced visits as part of implementing Batho Pele principles and values)

PROGRAMME 6: GOVERNANCE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION NO PURPOSE: Manage and oversee the implementation of policies, strategies and programmes on Public Service integrity, intergovernmental relations, and the macro organisation of the state, organisational design and senior leadership management. Manage government intervention programmes 1. Proposal on the establishment of the Head of the National Administration and Head of the Public Service submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF - achieving a capable, ethical and developmental State as well as create and sustain skilled and professional public servants of the highest moral standards and dedicated to the public good) 2. Report on the adherence by designated employees from national and provincial departments to the Financial Disclosure Framework submitted to the Director-General (New MTSF – 100% compliance to e-disclosure of financial interests as well as public sector corruption reduced by 50%) 3. Guidelines to support the implementation of the revised Determination on Other Remunerative Work submitted to the Director-General (MTSF & SONA - realisation of a professional and ethical Public Service) 4. Report on the adherence by Public Service employees in national and provincial departments to the Directive on conducting business with an organ of state submitted to the Director-General (MTSF & SONA – public sector corruption reduced by 50% as well as the realisation of a professional and ethical Public Service)

19 2019/20 – 2021/22 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS
DPSA Allocation for 2019/ /22 = R3 245 Billion Total Allocation for 2019/20 = R Million

20 APPROPRIATION FOR 2019/20 – 2021/22 Description 2019/20 R’000 2020/21
Administration 246,097 264,572 284,696 Policy Development, Research and Analysis 36,281 38,493 40,959 Public Service Employment and Condition of Service 84,375 90,579 94,122 Government Chief Information Officer 23,335 24,917 29,598 Service Delivery Support 56,301 60,219 63,954 Governance of Public Administration 51,183 55,072 59,039 Total DPSA Budget Allocations 497,572 533,852 572,368 Centre for Public Service Innovation 38,437 40,969 43,447 National School of Government 187,905 208,844 229,860 Public Service Commission 278,229 297,627 316,333 Total Transfers to Entities Allocations 504,571 548,918 591,198 Total MPSA Budget Allocations 1,002,143 1,081,292 1,162,007


Description 2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Transfers and Subsidies Machinery and Equipment 5 699 5 942 6 264 Total 1,002,143 1,081,292 1,162,007

23 Kea Leboha

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