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A, Cleavage of the caspase fluorogenic substrate zDEVD-afc (12

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1 A, Cleavage of the caspase fluorogenic substrate zDEVD-afc (12
A, Cleavage of the caspase fluorogenic substrate zDEVD-afc (12.5 μm) in homogenates of HeLa cells and brain tissue homogenates. A, Cleavage of the caspase fluorogenic substrate zDEVD-afc (12.5 μm) in homogenates of HeLa cells and brain tissue homogenates. Reaction was monitored every 5 min for 35 min by spectrofluorometry in apoptotic HeLa cell lysate, which was isolated after treatment with 1 μmstaurosporine for 3 hr (□) or in control cell lysate (▵). Caspase-like DEVDase activity was also measured in brain tissue homogenates from the ischemic (▪) or contralateral (▴) hemisphere 1 hr after reperfusion after 2 hr of middle cerebral artery occlusion. The data are from a single set of representative experiments that were highly reproducible. B, Caspase-like enzyme activity increases in brain homogenates after reperfusion after 2 hr occlusion of left middle cerebral artery. Enzyme activity measured as described above is expressed as picomole of substrate cleaved per milligram of protein per minute. Data show mean ± SEM of four to eight experiments assayed in duplicate. *p < 0.05 indicates a significant difference compared with sham-operated animals. Shobu Namura et al. J. Neurosci. 1998;18: ©1998 by Society for Neuroscience

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