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Market Trends. Extracted slides from a presentation given at CID by Wolf-Michael Mehl Amsterdam, May 22nd, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Market Trends. Extracted slides from a presentation given at CID by Wolf-Michael Mehl Amsterdam, May 22nd, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extracted slides from a presentation given at CID by Wolf-Michael Mehl Amsterdam, May 22nd, 2014

2 Market Trends

3 Market Trends Publishers becoming modern service providers
providing content and services permanently developing new business models Development of technology ==> change of consumer culture ==> new patterns of use ==> content to be accessed at any time, on different media, with different formats, in different ways agile and flexible capabilities are a must

4 Market Trends increasing granularity of products, proliferation of formats ==> increasing complexity of rights and licensing processes Challenges for rights acquisition and rights permission processes

5 To keep up with Market trends Software needs to …
be more scalable

6 become more customizable

7 run systems in web browser environments

8 reduce administration effort

9 Klopoteks dual technology stack: benefit from a solid foundation and leverage new open source technologies By Client Layer Application Server Layer *Optional DBS Layer Operating System Layer

10 Software Engineering is key – Klopotek‘s Engine room
Software Technology Department Desgin Build & Test Run Maintain Support balsamiq Technical Product Management Software Development QA Team Operations Team Customer Service Klopoteks Engineering toolbox: ST4 Requierments defintion, general documentation Balsamiq – UCD/UX Design and Mockups Visual Paradigm – Software modelling (Domains, Classes, UML) JIRA use cases, devlopment task, tickets, Coding mit eclipse (Integrated (Java) development Environment) Spring/hypernate – DB conncetion, O/R mapper Junit/HP Quality center – testing framework and ticketing center Subversion SVN – code repisitory , version control Powerbuilder IDE – powerbuilder coding Jenkins – Continous Integration, Deployment Drools – rule based development Scrum Teams 70 Software Engineers Scrum Teams for Java stack Separate Consulting team

11 Klopotek supports 3 kind of cloud-based SaaS solutions
Public Cloud Private Cloud On-Premise Externally Hosted Public Cloud NEW/BETA In-house Own hardware Own management Managed Services Example customers: Thieme , deGruyter Elsevier, Brill, Taylor & Francis, Brepols, Liber 2 professional 3-tier DC’s by Klopotek available (US, Germany) Shared infrastructure Public network Managed service Example customers: Liberty Fund , Albin Michel, Libella , Wales University Press highly scalable usage based flexibility Pilot installation On-Premise: Elsevier Taylor&Francis deGruyter NWB C.H.Beck, …

12 After redesigning the core functions we focus on Klopotek K‘apps for specific purposes
By K’app K’app K’app K’app Client Layer Application Server Layer DBS Layer Operating System Layer

13 For the 3 main Klopotek modules we provide small and easy-to-use K’apps
CR&R Rights & Permissions Contract Workflow Rights Sales & Purchasing Royalty Accounting O2C Subscriptions Accounts Receivable Title Management Title Workflow Business Partner Title Info Production Workflow

14 First apps will be available by the end of this year with more to come in 2015 – the roadmap
Today End of 2014 2015 Refresh PB user interface Dual stack defined Core functions redesigned POC PowerBuilder Version 15 in SAP lab Upgrade JBoss Version 7 4 Pilot K’Apps for Title Workflow Business Partner Rights & Permissions Subscriptions Public cloud service with AWS New K’App (α Q1/2015) Contract Workflow New K‘Apps (α Q2/2015) Rights sales/acquisition Royalty accounting New K‘App (α Q3/2015) Production Workflow All CR&R K‘apps ready as Beta (Q3/2015)

15 Thank you for your attention … and take note
Thank you for your attention … and take note. The theme of this year’s user group cocktail party is a masquerade contest !

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