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Life Cycle of a Frog.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Cycle of a Frog."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Cycle of a Frog

2 The frog lays its eggs in the water or in wet places.

3 A floating clump of eggs is called a frog spawn.

4 A frog can lay thousands of eggs at one time!

5 After 21 days, a tadpole is born!
A tadpole is a baby frog.

6 A tadpole has a long tail and lives in the water.

7 These small plants are called algae.
Tadpoles eat very small plants that stick to larger plants in the water. These small plants are called algae.

8 After about 5 weeks, the tadpole grows hind legs and forelegs.

9 The tadpole also starts developing lungs!

10 Once in a while the tadpole swims up to the surface to breathe some air.

11 Over the next few weeks, the tadpole starts looking more like a frog.
The tadpole’s tail gets smaller and it’s legs get larger. It’s lungs get bigger too.

12 Finally, the tadpole turns into a frog!

13 A frog has legs, lungs, and no tail.
It eats insects and worms and lives mostly on land.

14 Eventually the frog finds a mate
Eventually the frog finds a mate. The female lays eggs and the male fertilizes them.

15 Then the cycle begins all over again!

16 The frog lays it’s eggs. A tadpole is born.

17 The tadpole grows legs and develops lungs…

18 And then the tadpole turns into
a frog!

19 CREDITS: Created by Stefanie Oddo
All images courtesy of Microsoft Clipart Information provided from:

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