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Eat less & get more value Nancy N. George, M. Ed, RD, LD

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1 Eat less & get more value Nancy N. George, M. Ed, RD, LD
“Super Foods” Eat less & get more value Nancy N. George, M. Ed, RD, LD

2 Who decides what is a super food?
Think of a health goal: Weight reduction Cardiovascular health Anti-cancer properties Anti-aging properties Improving athletic performance Each goal could have it’s own set of “super” foods

3 “Super” foods Nutrient rich
Other antioxidants or phytochemical properties Lower in calories, meaning they are nutrient-dense

4 Who decides what is a super food?
Popular magazines Dr. Oz Food network Dietitians Etc., etc.

5 To ensure an adequate and balanced diet, eat a variety of foods daily, choosing different foods from each group. p. 38

6 Nutrients: Vitamins Minerals Protein Carbohydrates Fats Water
Water soluble & fat soluble Minerals Potassium, magnesium, calcium & others Protein Carbohydrates Including soluble & insoluble fibers Fats Essential fatty acids & heart healthy omega 3’s Water

7 vitamins “vital for life”
Compounds that have activity within cells to help the body perform functions: Promotes growth of tissues & cells Energy use & the maintenance of health & life Reproduction

8 minerals Structural elements for the body: Blood cell production
Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium Blood cell production Regulation for body functions: Blood pressure & heart rhythm Fluid & electrolyte balance

9 proteins Structured from amino acids “mighty” muscles
Collagen, blood cells, tissues Provides 4 calories per gram (about 8 grams per ounce of meat)

10 carbohydrates Most prevalent nutrient in nature
Found in all food groups except lipids Simple carbohydrates are sugars Complex carbohydrates are “fibers” – Soluble & insoluble fibers Prevents colon cancer Decreases cholesterol levels High feeling of fullness Provide 4 calories per gram (about 15 grams/serving)

11 fats Essential fatty acids provide structure for cell walls
Part of the body’s hormones (including cholesterol) Fat in food provides flavor & soft textures Omega 3 fatty acids help prevent blood clots & stroke, lowers blood pressure & protects against irregular heart beats Provides 9 calories per gram (5 grams/tsp)

12 water Can be considered a “super food”!
All the body’s processes ‘happen’ in a fluid environment No calories!

13 To ensure an adequate and balanced diet, eat a variety of foods daily, choosing different foods from each group. p. 38

14 Super foods: Common themes:
Good sources of antioxidant vitamins & minerals & other phytochemicals Good sources of other minerals – selenium, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium Good sources of fiber & complex carbohydrates Good sources of proteins Low in fat, or contain healthy fats

15 List “A” Low fat or fat free yogurt Eggs Nuts Kiwis Quinoa Beans
Salmon Broccoli Sweet potato Berries

16 List “B” & “C” Tomatoes Garlic Broccoli Grapes Acai berry Imo
Tumeric tea Mangosteen Greek greens Barramundi

17 List “D” Walnuts Flax seed Pomegranate Salmon Dark greens
Soy (including edamame)

18 List “E” Lean red meats (grass fed) Salmon Spinach Berries Wheat germ
Tomato paste Nonfat yogurt Sweet potatoes Oranges Old fashioned oatmeal Curry Ginger Black beans Tea Fresh herbs Dark chocolate

19 salmon

20 Salmon High in Omega 3 fatty acids Good quality protein
Low in saturated fats High in iron 3 oz = 155 calories, 23 g protein, 6 g fat, 375 mg potassium, has selenium & iron Easy to fix, versatile

21 yogurt

22 yogurt High in calcium Vitamin D fortified
Can be reduced fat or fat-free, so low in calories Nutrient dense: 1 cup of fat free yogurt provides 110 calories, 40% of the RDA for calcium, 22% of daily protein, 15% of daily potassium

23 eggs

24 eggs Low in saturated fat Contains 12 vitamin & minerals
Good source of choline for brain development Good sources of Omega 6 & omega 3 fatty acids Cheap & easy

25 Add rice to red beans for a hearty meal.
p. 52

26 Quinoa (keen wa)

27 Whole grains – make sure you see the term “whole”
Good sources of carbohydrates for energy Good sources of fiber Protein is 8 grams per cup (15% of daily needs) Vitamin E, zinc, selenium, magnesium (which may help prevent diabetes), folic acid & iron

28 Fig. 2-6, p. 51 Figure 2.6: Nutrients in Bread.
Whole-grain bread is more nutritious than other breads, even enriched bread. For iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate, enriched bread provides about the same quantities as whole-grain bread and significantly more than unenriched bread. For fiber and the other nutrients (those shown here as well as those not shown), enriched bread provides less than whole-grain bread. Fig. 2-6, p. 51

29 Fig. 2-7, p. 52 Figure 2.7: Eat 5 to 9 a Day for Better Health.
The “5 to 9 a Day” campaign ( encourages consumers to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Because “everyone benefits from eating more,” the campaign’s slogan and messages are being revised to say Fruits and Veggies—More Matters. Fig. 2-7, p. 52

30 tomatoes

31 Tomatoes & tomato paste
Contains lycopene The red pigment in the tomato (& in red peppers) Potent antioxidant Studies have looked at the link between lycopenes & the reduction of prostate cancer in men & the reduction of cardiovascular disease in women

32 broccoli

33 Fig. 2-CO, p. 36

34 Broccoli (& other cruciferous vegetables)
Excellent source of: Vitamin C Fiber Vitamin K Potassium Low in calories

35 Carrots (& sweet potatoes)

36 Carrots & sweet potatoes
Best sources for vitamin A Powerful anti-oxidant that can influence 500 genes in our body Supports reproduction & growth, protein synthesis & healthy skin Good source of fiber Naturally sweet Also vitamin C, potassium, calcium

37 Pomegranate

38 pomegranate High in antioxidants which may have heart healthy benefits
May be useful in preventing cancers Has lycopene

39 kiwi

40 Kiwi 1 kiwi gives the whole day’s supply of vitamin C in only 60 calories Good source of potassium, vitamins A & E Good source of fiber Portable & easy to eat: cut it in half & scoop it out with a spoon

41 Dark chocolate

42 Dark chocolates High levels of antioxidants
May be helpful in lowering total cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation in arteries Look for 70% cocoa (or more) Limit to 1 oz Avoid milk chocolates with added fat & sugar

43 Nuts (pecans, almonds, pistachios)

44 Nuts Good protein High fiber Antioxidant rich
Good sources of omega 3 & omega 6 fatty acids Choose 1 oz of : pistachios, almonds, peanuts, walnuts or pecans Use for mid morning or mid afternoon snacks, add to salads or cereals

45 Blueberries ( & others)

46 Blueberries (& others)
Low in calories Good sources of lycopenes & other phytochemicals, antioxidants Decrease inflammation Reduces risk of colon & other cancers Cranberries may help the urinary system High fiber

47 soy

48 Soy Heart healthy tip: Substitute 2 soy-based proteins for other meats each week Good source of fiber, potassium, phosphorus, calcium Provides natural sterols to help lower cholesterol & act like natural estrogen-replacement (but extra soy is not recommended with a family history of breast cancer)

49 Enjoy a Greek salad topped with garbanzo beans for a little ethnic diversity.

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