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Using parental research to drive your marketing strategy

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1 Using parental research to drive your marketing strategy
Deborah McKenzie, Head of Marketing & Business Development 21st June 2019

2 About MTM I’m James Leggett, Research Director at MTM Consulting. Established in 1984, we are a marketing and market research agency specialising in providing schools with the data-driven insights to facilitate evidence based decision making. Until now, our primary customers have been independent schools looking to increase their pupil numbers or plan their future strategies, or investor undertaking due diligence within the independent education sector. With the rise of academies, we feel there is an opportunity to expand into the other education markets.

3 The Data We know all about everybody….

4 “Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.”

5 Provide the evidence for decision making
The WHY Why should we undertake a parent survey? Detail what our parents want How happy they are with what we do Check we are meeting expectations Highlight where we should be making improvements Manage and plan future investments strategy Check our parents are ‘engaged’ Plan our marketing messages Provide the evidence for decision making

6 The Dos and Don’ts Plan!!! What do I need to know? Why?
Keep it short! Target a 5 minute completion time Focus on closed questions Make sure they can answer the question! Explain why the question is relevant Consider the survey flow – emotional -> rational Ask a friend to check it! Use a third party if possible Feedback the findings Consider asking for names ‘after’ the survey Ask about more than one thing in a question Force everyone to answer everything Offer one sided responses Ask irrelevant questions Ask questions they can’t answer Lead the response Make it obvious its survey monkey…

7 Examples Do you like my lovely dress? Yes I think so Probably
Do you like my dress and watch? Yes I think so Umm…. Which of my other shirts should I have chosen? Blue Red Mauve

8 How do I use it? What does this data say about your school? What would the USPs be?

9 What do you do well?

10 What do families want?

11 What do competitors do well?

12 What are my USPs?


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