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The Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "The Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Environment

2 The Environment Management Brief History The Future

3 Managing the Environment

4 Managing the Environment
Transnational Issue Multifaceted Air, land, sea Flora, fauna Economic, cultural factors

5 Managing the Environment (cont.)
The collective good Free riders tragedy of the commons Space junk Tuna Sustainable development, sustainability

6 Which has a greater environmental impact?
a) Eating meat b) Driving your car

7 Livestock industry biggest carbon contributor Eating 1 lb. beef
= More than transportation or industry Eating 1 lb. beef Driving 45 miles Eating 1 lb. pasta Driving < 1 mile

8 How is saving Siamese rosewood tree a transnational issue?
Economic: Laos is poor Corruption Chinese demand Env.: Extinction IL: Illegal cutting across borders Req. cooperation What other issue is this similar to? What other issue is this similar to? Somali charcoal

9 Brief History of Environmental Interest

10 Brief History Global interest only recent Post-materialism NGOs IGOs
Global climate change rallies NGOs IGOs MNCs

11 Brief History: NGOs World Wildlife Fund (WWF) (1960) Earth Day (1970)
 Greenpeace (1971)  EarthWatch Institute (1971)

12 Do you turn off the water while brushing your teeth?

13 Tap runs ~2.5 gal/minute Same as drinking liter bottles of soda / week What water is better: Bottled or tap? EPA testing 33% of bottled water w/ contaminants

14 Brief History: IGOs UN Environment Programme (UNEP) UN Conventions
Stockholm Conference (1972) Rio + 20 (2012) Sustainable development goals UN Conventions Kyoto Protocol (1997) Minamata (2013) Paris Agreement (2016)

15 Sustainable Development
Brief History: IGOs World Bank Late 1980s/ early 1990s Millennium Development Goals Comprehensive Wealth Accounting Economic Capital Human Capital Natural Capital Sustainable Development

16 How many paper towels do you use to dry your hands?

17 Brief History: MNCs Economic incentive Consumer demands
Trade-up programs Planned obsolescence Consumer demands Practices, products Going green v. ‘greenwashing’

18 How often do you replace your computer and phone?

19 -Only 29% electronics are recycled

20 The Future of the Environment

21 Glacial Melting

22 The Future

23 Why are the fisheries a transnational concern?
Economic IL Commercial pressure Enforcing MPA policies Other states, MNCs Req. cooperation Lack of resources in Indonesia WWF- NGO Regional states Env. Fishing states Overfishing Deforestation pollution Threatens biodiversity Climate change

24 The Future Approaches ‘Band-Aid’ solution Cooperation & conservation
Self-interested actors -Resource usage is unsustainable -Humans are depleting resources too quickly

25 Your Impact on the Future
Transnat’l issue Only recent global interest Personal consumption choices Consumer goods Source of products Food Waste Self-interests v. future survival

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