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Size and Shape of the Basic Education Sector Rationale Background 2018 NSC Examination Results Key Government Priorities SONA Action Plan to 2019: Towards the realisation of schooling 2030 Education Sector Priorities Priorities for 2019/20 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals of the Institution Key improvement plans of the Department towards The MTSF And NDP 2019/20 DBE APP development process DBE response to 2019/20 APP findings on the draft APP by Auditor-General DPME analysis of the 2019/20 APP Strategic Objectives, Indicators and Targets Revisions in the Strategic Plan Conclusion Recommendations
PURPOSE To present to the Portfolio Committee the DBE 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan.
INTRODUCTION “By 2030, South Africans should have access to education and training of the highest quality, leading to significantly improved learning outcomes. The performance of South African learners in international standardised tests should be comparable to the performance of learners from countries at a similar level of development and with similar levels of access.” National Planning Commission: National Development Plan, November 2011) 4
6 Provincial Education Departments (9) Education Districts (75) Circuit Offices (889) Schools (25 154) Public schools (23 289) Independent (Private) schools (1 865) Section 20 Public schools Section 21 Public Schools (former Model C) Registered independent schools Unregistered independent schools (illegal) Non-subsidised independent schools Subsidised independent schools Greater financial autonomy Department of Basic Education (national) 7
Size of the Schooling System: Learners: Educators: Schools: Official languages English, isiZulu, isiXhosa, isiNdebele, Afrikaans, siSwati, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Tshivenda, Xitsonga Sector Learners Educators Schools Public 23 289 Independent 38 660 1 865 Total 25 154 8
RATIONALE The presentation outlines the Government wide as well as the Education sector priorities based on the NDP 2030, SONA and Action Plan to 2024. The 2018 National Senior Certificate Examination results Key activities in the sector to align with medium and long- term goals The 2019/20 APP programme performance indicators and medium term targets Key issues identified on the 2019/20 APP and actions taken to address the issues
BACKGROUND The 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan represents the fifth year of activities towards achieving the objectives contained in the DBE Strategic Plan 2015/ /20 The DBE’s Strategic Plan is anchored on the Government’s long-term plan; the National Development Plan 2030: Our future – make it work, and the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF)
Province 2018 % Difference Total Wrote Total Achieved % Achieved Ranking EASTERN CAPE 65 733 46 393 70.6 8 5.6 FREE STATE 24 914 21 806 87.5 2 1.4 GAUTENG 94 870 83 406 87.9 1 2.8 KWAZULU-NATAL 88 485 76.2 6 3.3 LIMPOPO 76 730 53 254 69.4 9 3.8 MPUMALANGA 44 612 35 225 79.0 5 4.2 NORTH WEST 29 061 23 578 81.1 4 1.7 NORTHERN CAPE 9 909 7 264 73.3 7 -2.3 WESTERN CAPE 50 754 41 350 81.5 3 -1.3 NATIONAL 78.2 3.1 Checked
The President announced the seven (7) bold priorities of Government as follows, and basic education is critical in priority 2, 3, 5 and 6: Economic transformation and job creation; Education, skills and health; Consolidating the social wage through reliable and quality basic services; Spatial integration, human settlements and local government; Social cohesion and safe communities; A capable, ethical and developmental state; and A better Africa and World.
SONA The President announced the ECD migration early in 2019 in his SONA. The DBE has started to develop work plans in the first 3 months of the Sixth Administration to drive the work streams in ECD migration In support of the Presidential SONA 2019 injunction in June 2019 The DBE has developed plans to ensure that that pro-poor programmes, such as the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) in schools, are strengthened, so that we address hunger among millions of children in our country The key achievements are in response to SONA and work is being done to mobilise and reprioritise resources. There are clear links between SONA and sector priorities
SONA … The SONA 2019 injunctions in February 2019 also indicated the following priorities in education and skills development through the sector and DBE in leadership: The migration of the responsibility for ECD centres from Social Development to Basic Education, and proceed with the process towards two years of compulsory ECD for all children before they enter Grade 1; To ensure that the sector substantially improves reading comprehension in the first years of school, building on the department’s early grade reading studies, which have demonstrated the impact that a dedicated package of reading resources, expert reading coaches and lesson plans can have on reading outcomes; The provision of digitised material for learning on a tablet device, focusing on the most disadvantaged schools which are in the poorest communities, including multi-grade, multiphase, farm and rural schools.
SONA … The SONA 2019 injunctions in February 2019 also indicated the following priorities in education and skills development through the sector and DBE in leadership: … In line with our Framework for Skills for a Changing World, the preparatory work for training both educators and learners to respond to emerging technologies, including the internet, robotics, coding, and artificial intelligence, is well under way; Curriculum and materials development has been prioritised for new technology subjects and specialisations, including technical mathematics and technical sciences, maritime sciences, aviation studies, mining sciences, aquaponics; and To expand participation in the technical streams, several ordinary public schools will be transformed into technical high schools.
Improving foundational skills of Numeracy and Literacy, especially Reading which should be underpinned by a Reading Revolution 2. Immediate implementation of a curriculum with skills and competencies for a changing world in all public schools (Three Stream Model (Academic, Technical Vocational and Technical Occupational), Fourth Industrial Revolution (ICT rollout, prioritising, multi-grade, rural and farm schools; schools for Learners with special educational needs and no fee schools; coding and robotics; digitisation of textbooks and workbooks) Entrepreneurship, Focus Schools, and etc). 3. Work with Higher Education and Training to equip teachers (Quality Teachers) with skills and knowledge to teach Numeracy and Literacy in particular Reading; and promote their status to teach learners skills and competencies for a changing world. 4. Deal decisively with quality and efficiency through the implementation of standardized assessments to reduce failure, repetition, and drop out rates and introduce multiple qualifications such General Education Certificate before the grade 12 exit qualification. 5. Eliminate the digital divide by ensuring that within six years all schools, and education offices have access to internet and free data 6. Urgent implementation of two years of ECD before Grade 1, and the migration of the year olds from Social Development to Basic Education 7. Decolonization of Basic Education through the teaching and promotion of African Languages, South African and African History to all learners up to grade 12, and national symbols. 8. Work with Sports and Recreation, Arts and Culture, Health, and South African Police Services to teach and promote Social Cohesion, Health and School Safety. 9. Complete an Integrated Infrastructure Development Plan informed by Infrastructure delivery and regular maintenance which is resourced. 10. Increase the Safety Net through pro poor policies to cover learners who are deserving such as ECD, and Learners with Special Education Needs 11. Strengthen partnership with all stakeholders, private sector, and promote integrated governance, intergovernmental relations, and labour peace.
KEY MTSF PRIORITIES Improving quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers; Improving quality of teaching and learning through provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM); Improving assessment for learning to ensure quality and efficiency in academic achievement; Expanded access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) and improvement of the quality of Grade R, with support for pre-Grade R provision; Strengthening accountability and improving management at the school, community and district level; and Partnerships for education reform and improved quality.
ACTION PLAN The Action Plan to 2019: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2030 is the sector plan for basic education. It has been reviewed and strengthened for the planning cycle. The Action Plan is based on 27 national goals that are intended to improve basic education across all levels. 13 of these goals, are output goals, dealing with better school results and better enrolment of learners in schools. The remaining 14 goals deal with things that must happen for the output goals to be realised.
Linked to the National Development Plan and MTSF is the Sector Plan: Action Plan to 2019: Towards the Realisation of schooling 2030 with 27 goals summarised as follows: Goals 1-13: Learner outputs at grade R, 3, 6, 9 and 12 Goal 14-17: Educators Goal 18: Curriculum coverage Goal: : Educational materials Goal 21: School management Goal 22: Community participation Goal 23: Minimum levels of funding schools Goal 24: Infrastructure Goal 25: Learner well-being Goal 26: Inclusive Education Goal 27: District support
Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030
Action Plan to 2019: Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030 (access, redress, equity, inclusivity, quality, & efficiency) Goals 1 to 13: Improved Learning Outcomes Improve learning outcomes in Language, Mathematics and Science as measured in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 12 Ensure full access to compulsory schooling Decrease grade repetition and retention Improve access to FET colleges Improve quality of Grade R Goals 14 to 27: Interventions - the ‘how to Improve Learning Outcomes’
STRATEGIC THRUST… 22 Action Plan to 2019:
Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030 (access, redress, equity, inclusivity, quality, & efficiency) Five goals with an especially strong “action focus”. Goals 1 to 13: Improvement of Learning Outcomes Improve learning outcomes in Language, Mathematics and Science as measured in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 12 Ensure full access to compulsory schooling Decrease grade repetition and retention Improve access to FET colleges Improve quality of Grade R Goals 14 to 27: Support the improvement of Learning Outcomes Increase teacher supply and improve teacher utilisation (incl. post provisioning) Improve teacher development and job satisfaction Increase curriculum coverage Ensure minimum set of books, materials and equipment Improve school management, funding and governance Ensure adequate physical infrastructure Ensure learner well-being, inclusive education, community linkages Improve district functionality Early Childhood Development ICTs Early Learning 3 Strategic Areas: 22
These strategic goals are linked to the five Budget Programmes of the Department: Programme 1: Effective and efficient governance and management. purpose: To manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services. Programme 2: Effective development, monitoring of curriculum implementation and support purpose: To develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation Programme 3: Improved teacher supply, development and utilisation purpose: To promote accountability, quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources
Programme 4: Effective systems for planning, co-ordination, information management, assessment and district support purpose: To promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, implementation and assessment Programme 5: Improved social cohesion in schools and wellbeing of learners purpose: To develop policies and programmes to improve the quality of learning in schools
The following activities were developed around the key priorities articulated in the NDP, SONA 2019, MTSF priorities and the revised drafts of the sector plan, Action Plan to 2024: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2030. Over the next 5 years the DBE will work on implementing the following priorities, which are linked to the NDP and the 2019 SONA and Sector Planning priorities in support of improved reading and learning outcomes. ECD Function Shift Early Grade Reading ICTs in Education Assessments Violence and Social Cohesion in schools SAFE Initiative
PRIORITIES FOR 2019/20 By the end of 2019, the following will be achieved: ECD Function Shift: The DBE will develop a comprehensive plan for the different work streams involved in the ECD function shift (Grade R, Grade RR, and Birth to 4), in collaboration with the relevant partners in government. A costed plan for the ECD function shift will be finalised by March 2020. Early Grade Reading support: The DBE will develop and adopt a National Reading Plan for primary schools by end of 2019. Encourage schools, parents and communities in the target areas to actively participate in the reading movement to establish a reading culture. Actively establish partnerships and raise funds to support the reading movement. Reading norms will be deepened to strengthen existing curriculum delivery, building on the DBE norms already in use in different African languages. In addition, to track progress in the Basic Education Sector, the DBE will finalise a draft report on education progress, using the Household Survey data, by the end of August 2019.
PRIORITIES FOR 2019/20 By the end of 2019, the following will be achieved: ICTs in Education: Complete and digitise CAT and IT Grade state-owned textbooks (high enrolment subject); Assess 10% of the Special schools for connectivity and ICT infrastructure deployment; and Assess a further 10% of the Special schools for connectivity and ICT infrastructure deployment, and provide 100 schools with e-Library solution, by the end of August 2019. Numeracy at Foundation level: Develop a numeracy programme for teachers in the Foundation Phase; Experimental innovations collecting information about what works in numeracy; Mathematics instructional support will be costed and used to secure support and start implementation. Lesson plans will be delivered to all the schools in the 2 identified districts at the start of every quarter, thereby improving the Quality of teaching and learning.
PRIORITIES FOR 2019/20 By the end of 2019, the following will be achieved: Assessments: The 2018 OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2018) Country Report Volume I was released on 02 July The preparations for release of Volume II is being made for March 2020. TALIS is an International large-scale survey of teachers that investigates the conditions of teaching and learning environment in schools. South Africa was the first African country to take part in the study with teachers and principals from 169 schools, across the 9 provinces participating. History and Languages and the curriculum: The DBE will embark on Advocacy campaigns to popularise and gain buy-in of all stakeholders, including the broader society on e.g. Psychosocial Support Services: The DBE will finalise training and materials including the Guide for Schools on providing Psychosocial Support to Learners to improve standards of practice on psychosocial support at school level. Health and Safety in schools: The DBE will support the provision of school health services to learners in Grade R, 1, 4, 8 and 10 including HPV in Grade 5. Print and distribute Educator Guides and Learner Books on Sexuality Education Scripted Lesson Plans for Grades 4 -6 and 10 – 12 in 537 primary and 435 secondary schools, respectively. Host a workshop on the Restorative Conferencing and Physical Assault Response jointly with School Safety towards violence prevention to improve competence of violence prevention in the sector.
PRIORITIES FOR 2019/20 By the end of 2019, the following will be achieved: School Nutrition: The DBE will expand protein alternatives in the NSNP; Support the pilot in the Northern Cape province to improve the quality of school meals, and better education and health outcomes; and A breakfast guideline, including the mapping of partner breakfast programmes, will be finalised and distributed to PEDs for implementation. International and National Partnerships: All DBE International and National partnerships will be guided by our focus on improving learning outcomes, especially in the Foundation Phase - For example, there is a Ministerial Meeting of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) in July 2019, and healthy interest from donors interested in evidence-based policy implementation support. Infrastructure: The DBE will ensure the practical completion of 15 Inappropriate Schools and 41 sanitation projects by September 2019, in support of enhancing learner access to safe infrastructure in schools.
In improving the education sector, the Department has taken the following steps: Engagements through HEDCOM Sub-committees in collaborating and improving the sector’s performance; Conducted Gap analysis of the sector alignment and working on mitigating the gaps identified for medium and long- term plans; and Continued analysis of plans and reports to strengthen the management of Performance Information in the sector.
The Department has made minor updates to the 2015/16 – 2019/20 Strategic Plan: The Department has increased its priorities to focus on HIV/AIDS Life Skills Education Programme for the 2019/20 financial year through monitoring implementation.
First Draft 2019/20 APP to be Submitted to National Treasury and DPME on 31 August 2019. First Draft 2019/20 APP updated in accordance with recommendations from DPME in preparation for the development of the Second Draft 2019/20 APP. October- November 2019: Second Draft 2019/20 APP developed and strengthened with for example, refinements and inclusion of new indicators e.g. annual business plans for the HIV/AIDS Life Skills Education Programme Second Draft 2019/20 APP presented at the Departmental Branch Reviews focusing on areas such as role of DBE on policy development, oversight role and monitoring of Sector Customised Indicators. Estimates for National Expenditure developed in accordance and alignment to 2019/20 Second Draft APP. Second Draft 2019/20 APP to be submitted to NT and DPME 30 November 2019
January- March 2019 DBE Gap analysis conducted for alignment to NDP→ MTSF→ Sector Plan →APP Final ENE Chapter in alignment with selected indicators signed, approved and submitted to NT. Feedback on Second Draft 2019/20 APP received from AGSA and APP updated in accordance with recommendations proposed and responses provided on areas of clarity. Second Draft 2019/20 APP presented to Branches and DBE Senior Management structures Second Draft 2019/20 APP finalised approved June- July 2019 Priorities for the 6th administration were incorporated APP was tabled on 1 July 2019.
The DPME analysed the first and second drafts of the 2019/20 APP and made recommendations as follows: The Department to clarify the performance indicators in the short definition Resource considerations to be updated The Department has not included the following MTSF indicators in its APP: Percentage of Grade 1 entrants who attended Grade R that are school ready The percentage of youth who obtained any FET qualification; Proportion of principals appointed based on competency assessment processes per year; Proportion of principals who have signed performance agreements each year.
DPME COMMENTS 2019/20 APP It is recommended that the department:
MANAGEMENT RESPONSE It is recommended that the department: Ensures that the MTSF indicators are included in the APP. Strengthens the situational analysis. Gap analysis was conducted and the alignment is being consulted with DBE Branches. The Department is waiting for DPME to finalise the new MTSF (5 Year NDP Implementation Plan) The situational analysis was strengthened by including the SONA and sector priorities. The SWOT analysis was also updated with inputs from the Strategic Planning Retreat which was held on June 2019.
PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to the Delivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Education and the Action Plan to 2019: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2030. The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES
No. of indicators per programme Annual Targets Quarterly Targets Bi-annual Targets One 2 1 - Two 14 9 4 Three 10 8 Four 12 3 Five 5 Total distribution 43 28 13 Percentage distribution 100% 65% 30% 5%
2019/20 APP: PROGRAMME 1 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 1.1 To improve the administrative and governance systems through compliance to the key legislations governing administration in order to support the delivery of education and to strengthen accountability. 1.1.1 Percentage of valid invoices paid within 30 days upon receipt by the Department 100% 1.1.2 Number of reports on misconduct cases resolved within 90 days 4
2019/20 APP: PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium- term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2.1 Develop and distribute digital content annually to promote e-learning in schools 2.1.1 Number of schools per province monitored for utilisation of ICT resources 27 (3 per province) 2.1.2 Number of off-line digital content resources developed (Funding depends on sponsorship) 10 - 2.2 Develop, print and distribute workbooks to schools annually for Grades R-9 in order to support teaching and learning 2.2.1 Percentage of public schools with Home Language workbooks for learners in Grades 1 to 6 100% 2.2.2 Percentage of public schools with Mathematics workbooks for learners in Grades 1 to 9 2.2.3 Percentage of public schools with workbooks for Grade R
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2.3 Monitor and support the implementation of the National Curriculum Statements (NCS) on Reading in Grades R-9 each year in order to improve teaching and learning 2.3.1 Number of schools monitored on the implementation of the reading norms 20 30 40 2.3.2 Number of schools monitored on the implementation of the Incremental Introduction to African Languages nationally 2.3.3 Number of underperforming schools monitored on the implementation of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) 100 125 150
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2.4 Develop and review the Framework to support provinces in improving performance in Mathematics, Science and Technology subjects. Number of training sessions of CAPS for Technical subjects monitored 5 Number of schools visited for monitoring CAPS implementation in technical schools 18 2.5 Develop, monitor and support the implementation of policies and programmes for improving the quality of education in rural schools 2.5.1 Number of schools with multi-grade classes monitored for implementing the Multi- Grade Toolkit 72 81 90 2.5.2 Number of advocacy campaigns conducted on the Rural Education Framework in the provinces 9
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2.6 Provide support to learners who have not achieved all the requirements of the NSC through the Second Chance Matric Number of learners obtaining subject passes towards a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or extended Senior Certificate, including upgraded NSC per year 30 000 35 000 40 000 2.7 To ensure that Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disabilities access quality publicly funded education and support Number of Children/ Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability (C/LSPID) who utilise the Learning Programme for C/LSPID 3 327 3 527 3727
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 3 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 3.1 Monitor the basic functionality of schools and School Governing Bodies (SGBs) on an annual basis to improve school effectiveness and accountability Percentage of SGBs that meet minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness 80% of 2000 sampled SGBs 90 % of sampled SGBs 50 % of 2 000 sampled SGBs Percentage of schools producing the minimum set of management documents at a required standard 90% of the 2000 sampled schools 100% of the sampled schools 100% of the sampled schools 3.2.Identify and recruit the youth from all provinces for the Funza Lushaka Bursary annually in order to increase the supply of young teachers in the education system Number of Funza Lushaka bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education. 13 000 12 500 SGB elections are conducted every 3 years. After every election, new members get elected to be trained and prepared for the unfamiliar role. Their effectiveness is lower at this stage and increases as the years go by. The decline in the number of students supported is as a result of increased university fees over the medium-term. 1 2
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 3 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 202/21 2021/22 3.3 To monitor the content knowledge of teachers in Mathematics, English First Additional Language, Physical Sciences and Accounting through Diagnostic Self- Assessments 3.3.1 Number of EFAL diagnostic analysis reports produced 4 3.3.2 Number of Physical Science diagnostic analysis reports produced 3.3.3 Number of Accounting diagnostic analysis reports produced 3.3.4 Number of Mathematics diagnostic analysis reports produced
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 3 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 3.4 To monitor the implementation of performance management systems in PEDs annually in order to strengthen accountability of schools and office-based educators 3.4.1 Number of PEDs monitored on the implementation of IQMS 6 9 3.4.2 Number of PEDs monitored on the implementation of EMS: PMDS 3.5 Monitor the implementation of the post provisioning annually per province to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of teachers 3.5.1 Number of PEDs that had their post- provisioning process assessed for compliance with the post- provisioning Norms and Standards
300 test items developed in Grades 3,6 and 9
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 4.1 Provide data on learner performance through the setting of question papers, administering the examinations and data analysis of the National Examinations and Assessments conducted periodically 4.1.1 Number of General Education and Training (GET) Test items in language and Mathematics for Grade 3,6 and 9 developed 250 test items developed in Grades 3,6 and 9 Mathematics and Languages 300 test items developed in Grades 3,6and 9 300 test items developed in Grades 3,6 and 9 4.1.2 Number of NSC reports produced 4 Reports • NSC Examination Report • NSC Schools Statistics Report; • NSC Diagnostic Report in selected subjects; Subject Report • NSC Examination Report Statistics Report; • NSC Diagnostic Report in selected subjects; 4.1.3 Number of question Papers set annually for NSC and SC 290 question papers set annually for NSC and SC 290 question papers set annually for NSC and SC 3. The availability of NA reports shifts from an annual target to a three year periodic cycle. Main study in 2019/2020 and a system report in 2020/2021. 3
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 4.2 Provide basic infrastructure services (water, sanitation, electricity) and replace schools built using inappropriate materials on an annual basis in order to improve the conditions under which learners are taught 4.2.1 Number of new schools built and completed through ASIDI 40 31 29 4.2.2 Number of schools provided with sanitation facilities through ASIDI. 717 691 995 4.2.3 Number of schools provided with water through ASIDI. 225 125 4.2.4 Number of schools provided with electricity through ASIDI. - 8 The scope of work that was allocated to be implemented through the ASIDI programme on the electricity sub-programme has been completed. Any outstanding schools that were not part of the programme are implemented through the programme by provinces
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 4.3 To promote the functionality of schools through the institutionalising of a standardised school administration system, designed to assist with school management and reporting to a national information system on an ongoing basis. 4.3.1 Percentage of public schools using the standardised school administration system, SA-SAMS for reporting 98% 98 % 98% (including WC) 4.3.2 Number of provinces monitored by DBE officials for implementation of LURITS annually. 9 4.4 Mentor and assess the performance of districts on an annual basis in order to strengthen the capacity of districts to support schools. 4.4.1 Number of officials from districts that achieved below the national benchmark in the NSC participating in a mentoring programme. 30 35
2019/20 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 4.4 Mentor and assess the performance of districts on an annual basis in order to strengthen the capacity of districts to support schools. 4.4.2 Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory 75% 4.4.3 Percentage of District Directors that have undergone competency assessment prior to their appointment 90% 95% 4.4.4 Percentage of underperforming schools visited at least twice a year by district officials for monitoring and support purposes 60% 70% 80%
2019/20 APP : Programme 5 Strategic Objective
Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term Targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 To monitor the provision of nutritious meals served in identified public schools annually to enhance learning capacity and well- being of learners 5.1.1 Number of schools monitored for the provision of nutritious meals 110 115 Promote the participation of learners in enrichment and co-curricular activities in order to make a positive impact on learning 5.1.2 Number of professionals trained in SASCE programmes 900 5.1.3 Number of learners, teachers, officials, SGBs, parents and community organisation members participating in social cohesion and gender equity programmes 7500 8 000 8500 5. The target of 900 per year is informed by the capacity of each province to host these workshops, supported by the DBE. The pool of professional (adjudicators, conductors and data capturers) that are trained at professional level will then conduct similar trainings at a district level to increase the reach. 5
2019/20 APP : Programme 5 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term Targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 5.3 Monitor the implementation of the NSSF in 185 Hot Spot Schools by 2019/20 in order to attain safe, caring and violence-free school environments 5.3.1 Number of Hot Spot Schools monitored towards implementation of the NSSF 48 39
2019/20 APP : Programme 5 Strategic Objective Programme Performance Indicator Medium-term Targets 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 5.4 To contribute to the reduction of new infections and the impact of HIV and TB by providing a caring, supportive and enabling environment for learners, educators and school support staff 5.4.1 Number of PEDs with approved annual business plans for the HIV/AIDS Life Skills Education Programme 9
The Department has been allocated R24.5 billion in 2019/20, R26.0 billion in 2020/21 and R28.2 billion in 2021/22. Included in these allocation is Compensation of Employees amounting to R547 million, R588 million and R626 million over the MTEF. 2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Departmental Appropriation Less: Compensation of employees ( ) ( ) ( ) Departmental Appropriation excluding compensation of employees 55
Programmes Allocations over the 2019 MTEF
BUDGETS Financial years 2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Administration Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development Planning, Information and Assessment Educational Enrichment Services Total Allocation 56
Comparison between Programmes Allocations from 2018 to 2019 MTEF
BUDGETS PROGRAMME 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 Percentage Increase/ Decrease Administration 10.2% Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring 4.4% Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development 5.9% Planning, Information and Assessment 9.8% Educational Enrichment Services 5.7% Total Allocation 7.8% 57
Economic Classifications Allocations for 2019 MTEF
BUDGETS Economic Classification 2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 R’000 Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Interest and Rent on Land 43 557 42 418 41 148 Transfers and Subsidies Payments for Capital Assets Total Allocation 58
Comparison between Economic classifications Allocations from 2018 to 2019 MTEF
BUDGETS Economic Classifications 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 Percentage Increase/ Decrease Compensation of Employees 8.4% Goods and Services 3.9% Interest and Rent on Land 51 458 43 557 (15.4%) Transfers and Subsidies 6.0% Payments for Capital Assets 41.0% Total Allocation 7.8% 59
Details of Earmarked Allocations (R’000) over the 2019 MTEF
Earmarked Funds 2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Workbooks Examiners and Moderators 32 086 33 253 34 420 National School Nutrition Programme 5 357 6 326 6 525 Oversight-Maths, Science and Technology 2 068 2 099 2 170 Matric Second Chance Programme 85 261 85 150 89 833 Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Conditional Grant 1 313 1 351 1 389 TOTAL: EARMARKED FUNDS 60
Comparison on Details of Earmarked Allocations (R’000) over the 2019 MTEF
Earmarked Funds 2018/19 R’000 2019/20 Percentage Increase/ Decrease Workbooks 3.8% Examiners and Moderators 30 327 32 086 5.8% National School Nutrition Programme 5 621 5 357 (4.7%) Oversight-Maths, Science and Technology 1 871 2 068 10.5% Matric Second Chance Programme 65 705 85 261 29.8% Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Conditional Grant 3 418 1 313 (61.6%) TOTAL: EARMARKED FUNDS 5.0% 61
Details of Conditional Grants Allocations/Transfers (R’000) over the 2019 MTEF
2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant HIV and Aids Conditional Grant Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Conditional Grant National School Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant Maths, Science and Technology Conditional Grant TOTAL CONDITIONAL GRANTS 62
Comparison on Details of Conditional Grants Allocations/Transfers (R’000) over the 2019 MTEF
2018/19 R’000 2019/20 Percentage Increase/ Decrease Education Infrastructure Conditional Grant 6.0% HIV and Aids Conditional Grant 5.6% Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Conditional Grant 19.0% National School Nutrition Programme Conditional Grant Maths, Science and Technology Conditional Grant TOTAL CONDITIONAL GRANTS 63
Details of transfers (R’000) over the 2019 MTEF
Other Transfers 2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Unesco Membership Fees 15 431 16 295 17 191 ADEA 150 158 167 Guidance Counselling and Youth Development Centre: Malawi 186 196 207 Childine South Africa 69 73 78 National Education Collaboration Trust Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality 3 480 3 671 3 873 NSFAS: Funza Lushaka Bursaries Transfers to Public Entities Umalusi ETDP SETA 429 453 478 South African Council for Educators 20 000 21 100 22 261 TOTAL TRANSFERS 64
Detailed Breakdown of the budget over 2018 MTEF
2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Compensation of Employees Operational budget School Infrastructure Backlog SAFE project Office Accommodation Departmental Projects Earmarked funds (including CoE) Transfers Conditional grants Total 65
Reprioritisation and Budget Approved Cuts
2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Add: Baseline Increase Schools Infrastructure: Indirect grant: Compensation of employees 3 700 4 000 4 200 SAFE project Baseline reduction: (14 807) (20 195) (5 461) Matric Second chance: Goods and services (10 000) ( ) - Schools Infrastructure: Indirect grant: Goods and services (3 700) (4 000) (4 200) Umalusi council for Quality Assurance (1 107) (1 195) (1 261) Adjustment to conditional grants Education Infrastructure Grant ( ) ( ) ( ) Education Infrastructure Grant: School infrastructure, repairs and maintenance Education Infrastructure Grant :Disaster relief Total Budget Increase 66
General Budget Support to the Department for 2019 MTEF
2019/20 R’000 2020/21 2021/22 Rural Education Assistance Project 29 164 - Systemic Improvement of Language and Numeracy in Foundation Phase 26 779 16 529 16 201 Technology Grade 7-9 20 480 19 564 19 955 67
Administration of indigenous forests Agriculture Airports other than international and national airports Animal control and diseases Casinos, racing, gambling and wagering, excluding lotteries and sports pools Consumer protection Cultural matters Disaster management Education at all levels, excluding tertiary education Environment Health services Housing Indigenous law and customary law, subject to Chapter 12 of the Constitution Industrial promotion Language policy and the regulation of official languages
CONCLUSION The DBE will double its efforts to achieve both short and long term goals of the education sector in collaboration with PEDs and partners.
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee notes and discusses the presentation of the DBE 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan.
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