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Curriculum Vitae Workshop

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1 Curriculum Vitae Workshop
Jennifer Stone Assistant Professor, English

2 What is a CV? Referred to as Curriculum Vita, Curriculum Vitae, Vita, CV Documents your academic career First contact with potential graduate programs, employers, evaluators, funders, etc. Usually longer and more detailed than a resumé Latin for “Course of one’s life”

3 Components of a CV Contact Information Education Interests Research Teaching Service Relevant Coursework Professional Memberships Awards & Honors References

4 Contact Information Name Address Phone URL for website or e-portfolio

5 Education Universities Degrees Majors/minors/certificates
Thesis titles Committee members Years

6 Interests Research foci Areas of experience & expertise
Theoretical traditions Methodological traditions

7 Research Publications Works in progress Conference presentations
Invited workshops/presentations Grants

8 Teaching List of courses taught Responsibilities (use power words)
Include other teaching experience if applicable

9 Service University Community Professional Community

10 Other Areas Relevant Coursework Professional Memberships
Select a handful of upper-level, specialized courses relevant to your goals Professional Memberships Regional, national, international professional organizations Awards & Honors Scholarships Fellowships Honors (assistantships, dean’s list, cum laude, etc.) Awards References Be sure to include academic references

11 Designing Your CV Use white space
Use formatting tools to support readability (headings, lines, bold/italics, line spacing, bullets, etc.)—Word templates are helpful Use parallel wording and formatting Use citation practice of your field Use a readable & professional font/font size Do not be modest, but be truthful Update often Be sure to proofread!!!

12 CV Development Over Time and Across Contexts
Foreground/background Know your audience and adjust content accordingly Show a clear trajectory across research, teaching, and service Ask to see CVs from successful individuals in your specific field Major Phases: Undergraduate to Graduate Masters to PhD PhD to job market Beyond grad school Special versions

13 How to Build Your CV as an Undergraduate & Graduate Student
Join a club Become an officer in a club Join a professional organization Volunteer at a related community site Seek out related jobs Submit a conference proposal Look for opportunities to publish academic work Build course papers toward presentation/publication

14 POWER WORDS accelerated accomplished achieved addressed administered advised allocated answered appeared applied appointed appraised approved arranged assessed assigned assisted assumed assured audited awarded bought briefed broadened brought budgeted built cataloged caused changed chaired clarified classified closed collected combined commented communicated compared compiled completed computed conceived concluded conducted conceptualized considered consolidated constructed consulted continued contracted controlled converted coordinated corrected counseled counted created critiqued cut dealt decided defined delegated delivered demonstrated described designed determined developed devised diagnosed directed discussed distributed documented doubled drafted earned edited effected eliminated endorsed enlarged enlisted ensured entered established estimated evaluated examined executed expanded expedited experienced experimented explained explored expressed extended filed filled financed focused forecast formulated found founded gathered generated graded granted guided halved handled helped identified implemented improved incorporated increased indexed initiated influenced innovated inspected installed instituted instructed insured interpreted interviewed introduced invented invested investigated involved issued joined kept launched learned leased lectured led licensed listed logged made maintained managed matched measured mediated met modified monitored motivated moved named navigated negotiated observed opened operated ordered organized oversaw participated perceived performed persuaded planned prepared presented processed procured programmed prohibited projected promoted proposed provided published purchased pursued qualified questioned raised ranked rated realized received recommended reconciled recorded recruited redesigned reduced regulated rehabilitated related reorganized repaired replaced replied reported represented researched resolved responded restored revamped reviewed revise saved scheduled selected served serviced set set up shaped shared showed simplified sold solved sorted sought sparked specified spoke staffed started streamlined strengthened stressed stretched structured studied submitted substituted succeeded suggested summarized superseded supervised surveyed systematized tackled targeted taught terminated tested took toured traced tracked traded trained transferred transcribed transformed translated transported traveled treated trimmed tripled turned tutored umpired uncovered understood understudied unified unraveled updated upgraded used utilized verbalized verified visited waged weighed widened won worked wrote

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