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Presentation on theme: "PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE 20 FEBRUARY 2019"— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentation outline Purpose Background
MTEF Conditional grant allocations Grant Framework National responsibilities Employed SW Graduates Current backlog Expenditure per Province Additional employed SW SW support services Conclusion Recommendations

3 Purpose To provide an update on the implementation of the SW Conditional Grant by Provincial DSD during October – December 2018

4 Background Scholarship programme was introduced in 2007 in response to social work as a scarce and critical skill in line with DPSA Scarce Skills Framework in 2001. A total number of 10 929 scholarships was awarded since beginning of programme in 2007. 7 478 graduates have since been employed by the Department There are currently unemployed graduates across all provinces. In response to DSD performance on outcome 13, Cabinet meeting in quarter 2 of 2016 took a decision that unemployed Social Work graduates would be a government wide problem and not solely DSDs. An integrated business plan has been developed as per cabinet directive to lobby for funding

5 Background (cont…) DSD engagement with the sector had limited progress due to the following reasons: There is a call to cut personnel budget in the Public Service. No indication that additional funds would be allocated for vacant posts in Public Service. With limited budget, Sector departments have their own priorities regarding recruitment of key professionals who would drive own mandates (eg. health professionals rather than social workers). JCPS cluster departments prefer employment of experienced/specialist than generic entry level leaving DSD with limited departments to lobby. DSD approved a moratorium on new intakes commencing 2018 (last advertisement was for 2018 academic year). There are currently 2009 students who are funded with the current MTEF budget for training,(17/18-R123M) (18/ ) (19/20-128m) In 2016 a Conditional Grant to the value of R m was approved for provincial DSDs to employ 566 social work graduates over the MTEF (2017 – 2020) equitable targeting based on provincial graduate backlog.

6 MTEF Conditional Grant Allocations
Provinces MTEF targets 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Total Allocation Eastern Cape 130 Free State 10 Gauteng 8 Kwa Zulu-Natal 166  196 Limpopo 146 Mpumalanga 47 North West 21 Northern Cape 2 Western Cape 37 566

7 Elements of the Conditional Grant Framework
Responsibilities Progress to date Develop a standardised template for business plan Standard format was revised and circulated to provinces for completion. Revised business plans have been assessed and approved by Acting DG Assist PDSD in planning for use of conditional grant for 2018/19 Work session was held with PDSD- welfare services and HCM (27/06/18) managers to re-orientate them on the approved framework as well as implementation thereof. PDSD were also requested in submit inputs on proposed changes to the framework Develop standardised template for reporting Revised the quarterly reporting template and Developed annual evaluation report template. The two documents were discussed at the work session and adopted for submission of reports according to stated time frames. Facilitate approval of payment schedule and in-year (DORA Division of Revenue Act) The approved payment schedule with accompanying DORA was circulated to PDSD for their information and compliance

8 National Responsibility
Monitor and provide support on monthly and quarterly basis Monitoring of submission of reports: In this regard inconsistencies were detected in terms of the compliance of some provinces with reporting timelines. Specific areas of support were in relation to the following:  Use and application of approved standardised reporting templates. Delayed submission of reports. Letters to promote and enforce compliance were therefore sent to Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal, Northern Cape and North

9 Employed SW Limpopo recosted salary package for the 146 and were able to increase to employees to 166. From the savings province was able to employ additional 209 graduates. Employees from Western Cape are on contract Provinces MTEF Targets Number Absorbed EC 130 FS 10 GP 8 9 KZN 166 LP 146 373 MP 46 NW 21 NC 2 WC 37 35 Total 566 792

10 Current Backlog The current backlog is 3 969 according to provinces as follows: Province Current backlog Eastern Cape 1052 Free State 154 Gauteng 85 Kwazulu- Natal 979 Limpopo 1043 Mpumalanga 257 Northern Cape 9 North West 93 Western Cape 297 Total 3 969

11 Expenditure Per Province
Provinces 2018 & Total Allocation Quarter 1: Spent Quarter 2: Quarter 3: EC FS GP KZN LP MP NC NW WC Total

12 Additional Employed SW Outside the Conditional Grant
Western Cape Province: Was able to secure approval to place forty seven (47) graduates within the department from the compensation of employees (COE) budget. As a result nine (9) graduates assumed duty on 01 December 2018 and a further seventeen (17) will resume duty on 01 January 2018. Eastern Cape: Seventy eight (78) graduates are placed on the internship programme in the Department of education where they provide school social work services. In addition fifty (50) graduates are employed on six months contract ending March 2019. Kwazulu- Natal: Was able to facilitate appointment of nineteen (19) graduates on a one year renewable contract under the NGO providing Home Community Based Care services. These employees receive stipend from programme implementation as outlined in the organisation’s funded business plan.

13 Support Services for SW
Induction Programme National developed an induction programme for social services practitioners which includes amongst other Social workers The programme is aimed at ensuring that social services practitioners receive comprehensive induction which includes programme specific issues This programme was piloted in five provinces and it is currently being rolled out in provinces

14 Support Services for SW
2. Counselling Services for Social Workers There are structures EA Programmes for Social services practitioners at the provincial level which includes amongst others counselling services for social workers Provinces implements different EAP models ( in house and or outsourced

15 Conclusion Most of conditions as indicated in the framework have been complied with in the first and second quarters. It is acknowledged that provinces are lagging behind in implementing the Induction Programme for Social Service Practitioners due to preparatory processes that had to be done post approval of the programme In March 2018. However, progress has been made with the implementation of generic DSD Induction and Orientation Programme in respect of all employees not reached during 2017/18. The introduction of non- compliance letters to affected provinces will improve adherence to reporting requirements in respect of both programme and financial performance by provinces. Procurement of office tools and tools of trade is not being implemented as expected because there are no savings from expenditure.

16 Recommendations It is recommended that the Portfolio committee :
Notes progress made in the implementation of the grant by provinces. Notes support and monitoring provided by National especially compliance with the submission of performance reports and claims


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