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Wellness Your Name.

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Presentation on theme: "Wellness Your Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wellness Your Name

2 What is Wellness? Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.

3 Objectives By the end of today you will be able to:
Define wellness and its importance in the workplace Practice rational and positive thinking Apply the six dimensions of wellness Explain the importance of work-life balance Describe the business case for wellness Create a Wellness Action Plan


5 The History of Wellness
17th Century 19th Century 21st Century 18th Century 20th Century

6 Why Is It Important? People are more health conscious
Employees spend more time at work Healthcare costs are rising Healthy staff can help profits Workers need to be challenged It can become part of the culture

7 Thought Awareness Use a diary to log your negative thoughts
As you notice negative thoughts, write them down and then let them go Identify patterns Prioritise which to tackle first

8 Rational Thinking Worries about the reaction of others
Worries about performance Problems outside your control Feelings of inadequacy

9 Positive Thinking Worries about the reaction of others
Worries about performance Problems outside your control Feelings of inadequacy

10 The Six Dimensions Occupational Emotional Physical Spiritual Social

11 Setting Personal Goals
Establish a satisfying career Occupational Protect yourself from dangers and health risks Physical Develop healthy relationships and cultural awareness Social Gain new knowledge Intellectual Establish a sense of self beyond physical being Spiritual Establish an awareness of your emotions Emotional But what about taking each goal and setting more specific objectives?

12 Wellness Starts at Work
Morale Performance Absenteeism Why? Because it influences Employee engagement Healthcare costs

13 Creating Work-Life Balance
Let go of perfectionism Unplug Exercise Limit time-wasters Change your life structure Start small

14 Wellness Action Plans Actions and behaviours Symptoms and triggers Potential impact on work Support needed Positive steps to take Agreed review time

15 Management Support for Wellness
Encourage staff to talk Listen Be positive Management Support for Wellness Work together Support staff Involve staff in dialogue Encourage further support Praise good work

16 Objectives Now you can:
Define wellness and its importance in the workplace Practice rational and positive thinking Apply the six dimensions of wellness Explain the importance of work-life balance Describe the business case for wellness Create a Wellness Action Plan

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