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Agreement between MMSD and City of Glendale

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1 Agreement between MMSD and City of Glendale
Voluntary Acquisition of Properties within Milwaukee River Floodplain Commission Agenda Item #14

2 Acquisition and Floodproofing
According to Commission/Watercourse Policies, District may fund flood risk reduction measures where we have watercourse jurisdiction Updated MRWMP identifies 371 Glendale structures remaining in the floodplain Update concurrent with this ICA MRWMP identifies either voluntary property acquisition or voluntary floodproofing to reduce flood risk

3 Milwaukee River Floodplain in Glendale vicinity

4 Recent Glendale Structure Flooding
March 15, 2019

5 Glendale/District Efforts to Date
Worked together to acquire properties from homeowners in Sunny Point neighborhood High risk, floodway Voluntary acquisitions City has: Taken the lead in working with homeowners Applied for and received grants from DNR and FEMA Acquired properties, removed structures, maintain property after acquisition

6 Glendale/District Efforts to Date
District has: Received protective flood easements Reimbursed City for costs incurred less grant funding received 7 residential structures acquired to date Total cost: approximately $1,545,000 Grant funds: approximately $1,350,000 FEMA/WDNR grants covered 70% to >90% of costs for each structure

7 Continued Cooperation Proposed
This model has worked well for District and City District and City interested in continuing with this model ICA memorializes this partnership Lays out roles/responsibilities for acquiring properties from willing sellers located in Milwaukee River Floodplain

8 City of Glendale Duties
Undertake all property purchasing activities and building removal Provide progress updates to District Make good faith effort to reduce financial burden on City and District taxpayers When possible, apply for State or Federal grant funds to offset acquisition costs Obtain appraisal of each property in accordance with District Commission Policy

9 City of Glendale Duties
Follow all local and state building removal requirements Publicly bid building removal Maintain each property Provide District a recorded flood easement Keep records to define project costs Invoice District for costs incurred, less grant funding received

10 District Duties Execute restrictive easement that keeps property in undeveloped public ownership on each property purchased Reimburse City for costs incurred contingent upon availability of capital funding in District budget

11 ICA Terms ICA sets goal of ~15 properties
Number of properties could be more or less depending upon actual costs Also depends on any funding received from grant agencies Anticipate lower grant $ available in future Property acquisition would be strictly voluntary and in consensus with property owner, City and District Future development on property prohibited

12 QUESTIONS? No need in this case to re-state the request.

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