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Sustainability 101: Principles & Practices for Student Affairs

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability 101: Principles & Practices for Student Affairs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability 101: Principles & Practices for Student Affairs
Connie Frey Spurlock, PhD  Associate Professor of Sociology Successful Communities Collaborative, Director

2 Sustainability 101 Student Affairs plays a critical role in both developing sustainability-minded students and in reshaping the institutional culture to foster more pro- environmental behaviors by all campus community members. At the completion of this session, participants will be able to: define sustainability, use the triple bottom line to make decisions, and plan a zero waste event. 

3 What is sustainability?

4 Planet People Profits So, what the bleep is it? *Interconnectedness, systems thinking, relationships *7th generation thinking *Ecopocentric *Conservation, restoration, preservation *Flourishing, quality of life

One that produces no trash that goes to the landfill. Everything is recycled or composted.

6 Why run a zero waste event?
Reduce our carbon footprint and support cleaner air.

7 How does one run a zero waste event?
Planning! Use recyclable or compostable or reusable materials. Request materials from Catering Serve drinks in a pitcher/bubbler with compostable cups Request all items be served in bulk rather than individual packages.

8 Training Event staff and volunteers Signage for attendees
Clear bags, or no bags at all, for recycling Paper bag for composting

9 What can I compost? Where can I compost?

10 Avoid it – host experiences – photo booths, meals, movie screenings, repair stations, etc. 
Upcycle/reuse - consider options that don't require buying new such as hosting DIY activities and clothing swaps Useful and ethical – if you must purchase new, consider products that students will actually use, are durable, and come from trusted ethical sources. 

11 How do we measure success?

12 Questions? Thank you!

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