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IHEID-DESCO “Executive Master en Políticas y Prácticas del Desarrollo

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1 IHEID-DESCO “Executive Master en Políticas y Prácticas del Desarrollo
Módulo 1: “Políticas y prácticas de desarrollo en el marco de la globalización” Lima, 9-10 de agosto de 2016 Policy failure Guillaume Fontaine, Esther Sánchez, Marco Córdova y Susan Velasco FLACSO Ecuador/Departamento de Asuntos Públicos

2 1. Introduction: Ideas and institutions in policy change
Policy paradigms as ideas Ideas as INUS Policy failure Organization Analytical framework and method The “Yasuni-ITT Initiative” Institutions in policy change Conclusions

3 2. Analytical framework and method
Three-order change framework Programatic aims and means Strategic aims and means Operational aims and means Policy instruments Nodality Authority Treasure Organization Causal mechanism

4 3. The Yasuni-ITT Initiative
Oil extraction in the Yasuni National Park Competing coalitions within government The 2006 policy window Option A Option B

5 4. How institutions shape policy change
Competing policies 3rd order change: Two different interpretations of the good life principles 2nd order change: Two contradictory definitions of the aims and means of development 1st order change: Two contradictory ways of financing development From third to second and first-order change Causal mechanism New policy paradigm in constitutional principle of good life Inconsistent policy mix Low financial contribution Withdrawal of the “Initiative”

6 5. Conclusion: Beyond policy failure
The closing of a policy window The civil society weakened Business as usual for the petroleum sector

7 Gracias por su atención
Guillaume Fontaine

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