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2020 Census New Construction Program U. S

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1 2020 Census New Construction Program U. S
2020 Census New Construction Program U.S. Census Bureau | Geography Division Partnership Communications and Outreach Branch

2 Agenda Introduction. Eligible Governments. Registration Summary.
Preparation. Submission Methods. Confidentiality. Webinars and Trainings. Schedule. Contact Information.

3 What is the New Construction Program?
9/21/2019 New Construction is a voluntary opportunity for governments to submit addresses with city-style mailing addresses for units constructed that will be closed to the elements (i.e., basic construction completed) by Census Day, April 1, for inclusion in the Census.

4 What's new for New Construction?
State governments can now participate. Group Quarters. Transitory Locations. Group homes. Recreational vehicle parks. Nursing homes. Campgrounds. Residential treatment centers. Hotels and motels (including those on military sites). College/university or seminary student housing. Marinas. Correctional facilities. Racetracks. Hospitals. Circuses and carnivals. Job Corps centers or vocational training facilities.

5 Eligible Governments Federally recognized tribes with a reservation and/or off-reservation trust land. States. Counties. Incorporated places. Examples include cities, towns, boroughs, or villages. Townships (Minor Civil Divisions).

6 Eligible Governments Governments with census blocks included in Type of Enumeration Area (TEA) 1—Self Response. Majority of housing units have mail delivered to the physical location of the housing unit. Address updates in blocks not included in Self Response areas will not be accepted.

7 Registration Summary The registration period for the New Construction Program was April 1, 2019 – June 14, 2019. 4,653 governments registered to participate as of June 18, 2019. 36 States Registered. 894 Counties Registered. 681 Minor Civil Divisions Registered. 3,028 Places Registered.

8 Preparation Only submit new city-style addresses.
Address list must contain multi-unit structure identifiers, if applicable. Provide apartment numbers for individual units as a separate address (e.g., 101 Main St. Apt A, 101 Main St. Apt B, etc.). Identify local address sources such as: Building permits. E-911 address files. Local utility records. Annexation records. Assessment or taxation files. Driver’s license files. Planning and zoning records.

9 Program Materials Designated New Construction liaison of registered governments will receive: Address List Template. Respondent Guides. Quick Start Guides. GUPS (if requested). Partnership shapefiles OR Reference PDF maps. Census Bureau will mail a disc with all materials to governments who indicated that preference on their registration form. Materials (excluding reference PDF maps) are also available for download on the New Construction website.

10 Submission Methods Basic digital option.
Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS). Advanced digital option. Partnership Shapefiles. Reference PDF Block Maps. Digital Address List Template. No paper option.

11 Reference PDF Maps Here is an example of a Reference PDF map that participants will receive as part of their program materials (if requested). The map shows the entity, geographic features, and census tracts and blocks.

12 Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)
Standard Toolbar New Construction Toolbar

13 Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS)

14 Digital Address List Template

15 Confidentiality The Census Bureau does not provide Title 13 protected materials to the participants of the New Construction Program. Title 13 restrictions associated with other Census Bureau programs are not applicable. Title 13, U.S.C. Section 9 protects all census-related information submitted: Individual addresses. Structure coordinates.

16 Webinars and Trainings
Webinars begin September 2019. Participants will receive training on the Census Bureau approved methods of participation. Check the New Construction Program website for more information.

17 Schedule April 2019 New Construction registration begins.
June 14, 2019 New Construction registration deadline. September 2019 Registered participants receive/download materials. Participants have 45 calendar days to complete their submission. Training webinars begin. September - October 2019 reminders sent. December 2019 Closeout materials sent to participants.

18 Contact Information Phone: Web site: census/about/new-construction.html

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