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Identifying Vulnerable Schools in High Risk Environmental Justice Communities Adam Dorr.

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1 Identifying Vulnerable Schools in High Risk Environmental Justice Communities
Adam Dorr

2 Midterm Goals Use pollution data to identify high-risk areas
Use demographic data to identify vulnerable environmental justice communities Identify most vulnerable schools for priority intervention Geographic Area: Los Angeles County (by census tract)

3 Sources and Methods EPA National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) data: Cancer Risk Neurological Risk Respiratory Risk Standardized Scales (0-1) Composite Index (0-1)

4 Sources and Methods American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (US Census Bureau via Social Explorer) Based on Massachusetts State Law and Atlanta City Code definitions of Environmental Justice Community: 65% or more below median income (assumed: county) 25% or more minority (assumed: ALL not “white alone”) 25% or more foreign born 25% or more under age 10 25% or more age 65 or older Community Vulnerability Scale (0-5)

5 Sources and Methods ESRI/Microsoft: UCLA Mapshare:
California state boundary map Los Angeles County census tracts boundary map Shaded relief basemap Major highways basemap UCLA Mapshare: Airports Water bodies















20 Final Project Goals Use pollution data to identify high-risk areas
Use demographic data to identify vulnerable environmental justice communities Identify most vulnerable schools for priority intervention Buffer zones around EPA sites of concern Develop a predictive model: Risk  Environmental Justice Community Test model in other cities


22 GIS Skills Used Inset map Point graduated symbol (schools)
Aggregating attribute fields (scales and composite scores) Creating Indices (EJ-Risk Combined Index) Geoprocessing (clipping, multiple layers) Buffering and dissolve (EPA sites of concern 0.5 mile buffer) Attribute sub-sets selections (selected Los Angeles County EPA sites of concern from nationwide dataset) Geocoding (EPA sites addresses)

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