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Elizabethan England, c1586-1603 5 a day revision.

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabethan England, c1586-1603 5 a day revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabethan England, c1586-1603
5 a day revision

2 Historical 5 a day CONTENT O K TOPIC: Elizabeth and her court 1. 2. 3.
Source analysis- how convincing about E and Parliament People and Terminology CONTENT Privy Council accession Progresses patronage O K Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. 1682 engraving of Queen Elizabeth I and Parliament Plan your answer Explain what was important about Elizabeth’s experiences before she became queen [8] Elizabeth becomes Queen Elizabeth born Start of Tudor rule in England Context – List 3 of Elizabeth’s key ministers. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

3 Historical 5 a day CONTENT O K TOPIC: Difficulties of a female ruler
Source analysis- how convincing about E and her suitors/ People and Terminology CONTENT succession Virgin Queen suitor Regent O K Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Robert Dudley marries the Countess of Essex Elizabeth lost temper with Parliament for raising issue of marriage Elizabeth contracted smallpox Plan your answer Explain what was important about the issue of succession in Elizabethan England [8]. he Commons Petitioning Queen Elizabeth to Marry Artist:Solomon Joseph Solomon Date:1911 Context – List 3 reasons why Elizabeth was pressurised to marry. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

4 Historical 5 a day CONTENT OK TOPIC: Religious matters 1. 2. 3.
How convincing? CONTENT People and Terminology OK Middle Way excommunication John Whitgift Edmund Campion Drawing of the Pope issuing the bull in 1570 that excommunicated Elizabeth. Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Write an account of the ways in which Elizabeth and her government enforced the religious settlement [8]. Large gatherings of Catholics made illegal The Treason Act Act of Supremacy Context – List 3 religious groups that were of concern for Elizabeth. 1. 2. 3. CHANGE SOURCE- CONVINVING- CONTENT AND OWN KNOWLEDGE How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

5 Historical 5 a day CONTENT OK TOPIC: Mary, Queen of Scots 1. 2. 3.
How convincing? CONTENT Trial of Mary, Queen of Scots in Fotheringhay Castle by Edouard Berveiller. People and Terminology Mary, Queen of Scots regicide House arrest Northern Rebellion OK Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Write an account of the ways in which Mary, Queen of Scots affected Elizabethan England [8]. The Northern Rebellion Mary executed Mary comes to England Context – List 3 Plots linked to Mary, Queen of Scots. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

6 Historical 5 a day CONTENT OK TOPIC: A ‘Golden Age’ 1. 2. 3.
How convincing CONTENT An Elizabethan theatre showing the actors and the Tudor audience enjoying the play. Macmillan educational poster from 1960. People and Terminology Golden Age renaissance gentry Great Chain of Being OK Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Explain how Elizabeth used propaganda to strengthen her rule [8]. John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs first published The Globe Theatre opened Statutes of Apparel passed Context – List 3 of the main aspects of the Elizabethan ‘Golden Age’. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

7 Historical 5 a day CONTENT OK TOPIC: The poor 1. 2. 3. How convincing?
Thomas Harman’s 1567 book ‘A caveat or warning for commen cursitors, vulgarly called vagabonds’. CONTENT People and Terminology OK vagabond ‘fourth sort’ alms enclosure Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Write an account of the ways In which Queen Elizabeth dealt with the problem of poverty [8]. Law called Statute of Artificers placed wage limits on skilled workers Elizabethan Poor Law Year of worst quality harvest during Elizabeth’s reign Context – List 3 reasons why poverty increased during the Elizabethan era. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

8 Historical 5 a day CONTENT OK TOPIC: English sailors 1. 2. 3.
How convincing 1588 title page of book. The rings say: ‘majesty, prudence, fortitude, religiousness, mercy, eloquence’. CONTENT People and Terminology Sir Walter Raleigh Sir Francis Drake John Hawkins circumnavigation OK Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Write an account of the ways in which exploration affected Elizabethan England [8]. East India Company formed Raleigh’s South American Eldorado expedition The year Drake returned from circumnavigating the globe Context – List 3 reasons that the Elizabethans became great explorers. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

9 Historical 5 a day CONTENT OK TOPIC: Conflict with Spain 1. 2. 3.
How convincing? Elizabeth giving her Armada speech. From Look and Learn published on 26 January 1974. CONTENT People and Terminology OK King Philip II Duke of Medina Sidonia heretic armada Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Write an account of the ways in which conflict with Spain affected Elizabethan England [8]. Spain signed the Treaty of Joinville with the French Elizabeth started sending Dutch Protestant rebels funds The Spanish Armada Context – List 3 reasons why the Spanish Armada was defeated. 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

10 TOPIC: Historic environment
Historical 5 a day Source analysis P I C T U R E People and Terminology W P A F Chronology Plot the events on the mini timeline, giving their dates. Plan your answer Xxx Context – List 3 reasons … 1. 2. 3. How confident are you on this content? Explain why:

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