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Multiplying Binomials

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Presentation on theme: "Multiplying Binomials"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Warm Up Problem of the Day Lesson Presentation Pre-Algebra

2 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Warm Up Multiply. 1. x(x + 2) 2. –3(p – 4) 3. 2x(3x – 7) 4. Find the area of a rectangle with length 16 cm and width 21 cm. x2 + 2x –3p + 12 6x2 – 14x 336 cm2 Pre-Algebra

3 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Problem of the Day Find the missing term in the given arithmetic sequence. 170, , , , 140,. . . 162.5, 155, 147.5 Pre-Algebra

4 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Learn to multiply binomials. Pre-Algebra

5 Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Vocabulary FOIL Pre-Algebra

6 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials You can use the Distributive Property to multiply two binomials. (x + y)(x +z) = x(x + z) + y(x + z) = x2 + xz + xy + yz Pre-Algebra

7 (x + y)(x + z) = x + xz xy yz Multiplying Binomials 13-6
The product can be written as FOIL: The First terms, the Outer terms, the Inner terms, and the Last terms of the binomials. First Last (x + y)(x + z) = x 2 + xz xy yz ( X + Y)(X + Z) = X Inner Outer Pre-Algebra

8 Additional Example 1A & 1B: Multiplying Two Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Additional Example 1A & 1B: Multiplying Two Binomials Multiply. A. (n – 2)(m – 8) B. (x + 3)(x + z) (n – 2)(m – 8) Foil (x + 3)(x + z) mn – 8n – 2m + 16 x2 + xz + 3x + 3z Pre-Algebra

9 Additional Example 1C & 1D: Multiplying Two Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Additional Example 1C & 1D: Multiplying Two Binomials Multiply. C. (a + 3)(a + 5) D. (x – 4y)(x + 7y) (a + 3)(a + 5) Foil (x – 4y)(x + 7y) a2 + 5a + 3a + 15 x2 + 7xy – 4xy – 28y2 a2 + 8a + 15 Combine like terms. x2 + 3xy – 28y2 Pre-Algebra

10 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials When you multiply two binomials, you will always get four products. Then look for like terms to combine. Helpful Hint Pre-Algebra

11 Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Try This: Example 1A & 1B Multiply. A. (r – 4)(s – 6) B. (y + 2)(y + r) (r – 4)(s – 6) Foil (y + 2)(y + r) rs – 6r – 4s + 24 y2 + ry + 2y + 2r Pre-Algebra

12 Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Try This: Example 1C & 1D Multiply. C. (a + 3)(a + 4) D. (x – 3y)(x + 8y) (a + 3)(a + 4) Foil (x – 3y)(x + 8y) a2 + 4a + 3a + 12 x2 + 8xy – 3xy – 24y2 a2 + 7a + 12 Combine like terms. x2 + 5xy – 24y2 Pre-Algebra

13 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Additional Example 2 An 8 in. by 10 in. photo has a wooden frame that extends x in. beyond each side. Represent the area of the frame in terms of x. Base: 8 + 2x Height: x Area of the photo and frame combined: A = (8 + 2x)(10 + 2x) = x + 20x + 4x2 = x + 4x2

14 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials The photo area is 8 · 10 = 80 in2, so the frame area is x + 4x2 – 80 = x + 4x2 in2.

15 Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Try This: Example 2 Find the area of the border of a computer screen of width x centimeters around a 50 cm by 80 cm screen. Represent the area of the border in terms of x. Base: x Height: x Area of the screen and border combined: A = (80 + 2x)(50 + 2x) = x + 100x + 4x2 = x + 4x2

16 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Try This: Example 2 Continued The screen area is 80 · 50 = 4000 cm2, so the frame area is x + 4x2 – 4000 = x + 4x2 cm2.

17 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Binomial products of the form (a + b)2, (a – b)2, and (a + b)(a – b) are often called special products.

18 Additional Example 3A & 3B: Special Products of Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Additional Example 3A & 3B: Special Products of Binomials Multiply. A. (x + 6)2 B. (n – m)2 (x + 6)2 (n – m)2 (x + 6)(x + 6) (n – m) x2 +6x + 6x + 36 n2 – nm – nm + m2 x2 + 12x + 36 n2 – 2nm + m2

19 Additional Example 3C: Special Products of Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Additional Example 3C: Special Products of Binomials Multiply. C. (x – 7)(x + 7) (x – 7)(x + 7) x2 + 7x – 7x – 49 x2 – 49

20 Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Try This: Example 3A & 3B Multiply. A. (x + y)2 B. (r – 3)2 (x + y)2 (r – 3)2 (x + y)(x + y) (r – 3) x2 + xy + xy + y2 r2 – 3r – 3r + 9 x2 + 2xy + y2 r2 – 6r + 9

21 Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Try This: Example 3C Multiply. C. (x – y)(x + y) (x – y)(x + y) x2 + xy – xy – y2 x2 – y2

22 Multiplying Binomials
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Special Products of Binomials (a + b)2 = a2 + ab + ab + b2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 (a – b)2 = a2 – ab – ab + b2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 (a + b)(a – b) = a2 – ab + ab – b2 = a2 – b2

23 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Lesson Quiz: Part 1 Multiply. 1. (x + 5)(x + 2) 2. (c – 4)(c – 2) 3. (2y + 2)(y – 3) 4. (2m + 2)(3n + 2) x2 + 7x + 10 c2 – 6c + 8 2y2 – 4y – 6 6mn + 4m + 6n + 4

24 Multiplying Binomials Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here
13-6 Multiplying Binomials Pre-Algebra 13-6 Multiplying Binomials Insert Lesson Title Here Lesson Quiz: Part 2 Multiply. 5. (a – 1)2 6. (b + 3)(b – 3) 7. Find the area of a cement walkway of width w yd that is around a 20 yd by 30 yd pool. a2 – 2a + 1 b2 – 9 4w w

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