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REPIPE – Recycling of pipes and profiles

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1 REPIPE – Recycling of pipes and profiles
Funded by:: REPIPE – Recycling of pipes and profiles Ongoing Aug 2016 – Dec 2018 AIM Develop and demonstrate new cost and resource efficient solutions for collection, sorting and recycling of plastic pipes in Sweden. Project partners Swerea IVF (coordinator), Chalmers Industriteknik, Inovyn, DuPont, Renova, Nordiska Plaströrsgruppen, Pipelife, Rapid Granulator, Uponor, Wavin, Swerec, Talent Plastics REALISATION Map waste of pipes and profiles in Sweden Develop a new model for cost efficient collection of pipes and logistic solutions Develop a model for sorting of various pipes Demonstrate and evaluate the new collection and sorting models Investigate the recyclability of plastic from various pipes and identify applications were the plastic meets product standards Demonstrate recycling of pipes back into new pipes Environmental and economic assessments Kontakt Annika Boss

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