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Lighthouses Lighthouses were once regarded as an archetypical public good, because ships could benefit from the light without being forced to pay.

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Presentation on theme: "Lighthouses Lighthouses were once regarded as an archetypical public good, because ships could benefit from the light without being forced to pay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lighthouses Lighthouses were once regarded as an archetypical public good, because ships could benefit from the light without being forced to pay.

2 Due to their function as beacons of safety, various organizations choose lighthouses as a symbol.

3 The lighthouse is also the symbol of US organization for the blind
And More… Find Your Local Lighthouse For The Blind on Google: Search for “lighthouses for the blind”

4 screw pile lighthouses despite blindness.
Alexander Mitchell invented and built a number of screw pile lighthouses despite blindness.

5 The Lighthouse is a beacon of Hope…

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