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Alterations with Sensory Perception

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Presentation on theme: "Alterations with Sensory Perception"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alterations with Sensory Perception
Debbie Hogan RN Tri County Community College NUR 114

2 Alterations Cataracts Glaucoma Injuries Macular Degeneration

3 Cataracts Opacification of the lens that prevents refraction of light onto the retina Congential or acquired Treatment-surgical removal with implant P. 425

4 Glaucoma Optic neuropathy with gradual loss of peripheral vision
Inadequate flow of vitreous resulting in increased intraocular pressure Treatment Medications to decrease pressure Surgery p. 432

5 Common Medications for Glaucoma
Timoptic Xalatan IsoptoCarpine

6 Eye Injuries p. 421 Foreign bodies Sports Burns Penetrating Blunt
Treatment-varies related to type and severity of injury

7 Macular Degeneration Progressive loss of central vision related to damage to the retina Treatment-antioxidants, zinc, laser surgery P. 431

8 Evaluation of Visual Perception
No further loss of vision Comply with therapy Function safely in environment Relief of pain if applicable Resources

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