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Question of Women as Elders Decision Process at RAC

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1 Question of Women as Elders Decision Process at RAC
After hearing from Vijay of Upper Room Community Church of their Decision process about 4 months ago, the BOE formed a Curriculum Workgroup made up of 2 elders and 2 staff members tasked with coming up with a Study, Discernment and Prayer plan for this issue. The members are Paul LaRocque, Stetson Ford, Candice Pascal van Alphen and me. This plan has been approved by the staff and elders and may be subject to further edits from the leadership. It will also be made available to you as a download from our website.

2 How we proceeded Going through Study materials
Elders Recommendation: The Membership will vote on this issue at the Annual General Meeting on November 17 (which will require a 2/3 majority vote to pass) only after going through a 5 month process of preparation, study and discernment which would entail: Going through Study materials 2 Sunday messages by Pastor Dave Lewis 2 Teaching/discussion/prayer forums (videotaped) Personal and corporate prayer

3 Study Materials The Curriculum workgroup is recommending a Study Resource List (available on our church website and a limited number of copies of the recommended articles will be printed and made available at the Registration Desk)

4 Complementarian Recommended Videos Recommended Documents
John Piper and Wayne Grudem, “50 Crucial Questions about Manhood and Womanhood” en.pdf?ts= The Role of Women at The Village Church _2017_-_The_Role_of_Women_at_The_Village_Church-Long-Paper.pdf Recommended Videos Tim Keller, Kathy Keller, John Piper, Kathleen Nielson, and Don Carson discuss complementarianism in a conference panel at our 2014 National Women's Conf. in Orlando, FL   (55 min) Matt Chandler is pastor of the Village Church, “Complementary Roles of Men and Women” (55 min)

5 Egalitarian Recommended Documents Recommended Videos
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada: toolbox/position-papers/statements/paoc-statement-of-affirmation-regarding-the-equality-of- women-and-men-in-leadership.pdf?sfvrsn=ce4ce26a_4 N T Wright: basis/ Recommended Videos John Ortberg - an Egalitarian approach ; it uses some of the usual scriptures and sees them in a different light (2015) – 33 min. Bent Tree Church Elder statement of Egalitarian Decision, April 17, 2016 (70 min)

6 Additional Resources on Biblical Exegesis
Exegetical Research: presents the basic domains of exegetical research, addressing especially the nature of literary and historical- cultural context (by Dr. Ken Schenck - 32 min) How to Interpret the Bible (by D.A. Carson - 58 min) We encourage you to get together in your Triads, Life Groups and Ministry groups to pray and discuss this topic. Do it in community and prayerfully. We believe that the events of this past year has actually prepared and strengthened us to tackle something like this. We believe this will actually help us live out our Core Values of being Prayerful (we must listen to God for us to discern clearly), Relational (you need to find unity in our theological diversity), Empowering (study the Scriptures for yourselves), Authentic, Courageous (we’re not going to sweep this under the rug but deal with it head on) and humble (we need to honour one another in the process)

7 What are we deciding on? We are not debating whether men and women have equal value, ability or gifting We are trying to determine for our local body whether or not the interpretation of Scripture restricts the office of Elder (including the Senior Pastor) to men only ** The C&MA (in 2000) decided not to make a denominational decision. They felt the discussion was better dealt with in a local church context and not at Assembly.

8 What is at stake? How we decide is just as important as what we decide
Unity in the body (in the midst of theological diversity) Growth in our understanding of, application of, and reverence for the Word of God

9 How are we going to approach it?
Study, Teaching, Discussion, Prayer Plan July – Individual Study and Prayer August 18 - Sunday Services – Biblical Interpretation(Dave Lewis) August 25 – Sunday Services – Introduction to the Matter (Dave Lewis) August 25 - Forum #1 – The matter itself (presenters) Worship What does Scripture say about this matter? How do we interpret the key texts Q&A/Prayer

10 How are we going to approach it?
September 22 - Forum #2 – Moving Forward (Sunder Krishnan) Unity in the midst of theological diversity What do I do if this goes differently than I hope? Small group interaction with elder & staff facilitators October 12 - Elder Prayer & Discernment November 10 - Solemn Assembly Being humble before God and others November 17 - Annual General Assembly Vote January 5,6,7 - Moving Forward – January Solemn Assembly New Mission, Vision, Values/ New Staff/ Unity in the Body

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