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“Your parents will always

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1 “Your parents will always
be dad and mom, and you will always be their child, no matter how old either may get.” No matter how old you may become as a son or daughter, parents still have somethings to teach you about life and how God is to be viewed.

2 God and Ourselves When It Comes To A Broken Chair?
What Can We Learn About God and Ourselves When It Comes To A Broken Chair? Though a person is believed to be worthless and ready to be junked, God still sees him or her as worth saving.

3 God was not going to throw the nation away- He gave them HOPE!
Ezekiel and the Valley of dry bones- Ezekiel 37 “Can these bones live again?” (vv. 3-9) Our bones are dry, Our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off (v.11) Catastrophe for Judah in 587 BC God was not going to throw the nation away- He gave them HOPE!

4 A great deal of work must be done before
the broken can be made functional again. God didn’t just contemplate restoration, He was determined to make that Restoration would be a reality (1 Pet. 1:18,19)! When God restores, He makes man brand new (2 Cor. 5:15-18). The means for remaining “new” has also been provided through that same blood (1 Jn. 1:7-9)

5 That which has been restored has
once again been made useful for service. Why did the Father go through the painful process of restoration if the object was not going to fulfill a purpose? 2 Peter 3:9 is one answer… …but Ephesians 2:10 provides another answer… We were made new in order to serve

6 Sin broke man and made him appear worthless, but God saw
That which has been broken and deemed ready for the trash heap by man, can be restored and its value once again realized. Sin broke man and made him appear worthless, but God saw his value and determined that He would make it possible for His creation to be restored.

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