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Grab out your Portfolio!!!

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2 Grab out your Portfolio!!!

3 Visual Arts Final Review

4 Elements of Art The basic components or building blocks of used by an artist to create an artwork.

5 Color is an element of art that is derived from reflected light

6 Color Color is an element of art that has three qualities, hue, value, and intensity

7 Hue- A color in its truest form
Intensity-The brightness or dullness of a color Value-The lightness or darkness of a color

8 Shape- implies spatial form and is a two-dimensional area

9 Shape- Geometric (measurable/Definable)
and Organic

10 Distance between pre-established points
Space – Distance between pre-established points

11 Line is an element of art that refers to the continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point.

12 3 Directional Lines Horizontal Vertical Diagonal

13 Texture is The roughness or smoothness of a surface.

14 Tactile Texture – You can touch Visual Texture- You can only see

15 Value The appearance of lights and darks found in a work of art.

16 Form is an element of art that describes an object that is three -
Form is an element of art that describes an object that is three - dimensional and encloses volume. Sphere, cube, pyramid, etc.

17 Principles of Design-  how the artistuses the elements of art to create an effect and to help convey the artist's intent.

18 Balance is the way the art elements are arranged to create a feeling or sense of equilibrium or stability.

19 Asymmetrical-not the same Symmetrical- identical
Balance Asymmetrical-not the same Symmetrical- identical Radial- from a central point

20 Asymmetrical Symmetrical

21 Unity- using similar elements and principles within a composition to create harmony

22 Rhythm the repetition of a visual movement-colors, shapes, or lines

23 Rhythms: Random Alternating Progressive Flowing Regular

24 Movement is a way of combining elements to produce the look of action, or to cause the viewers eye to sweep over the work in a certain manner.

25 Pattern is the reoccurrence of a shape or design in a work of art.

26 Contrast is the difference in values, colors, textures, and other elements .

27 Emphasis is a way to create one or more centers of interest in a work of art.

28 Color Primary colors Red Yellow Blue

29 Color Secondary colors Orange Purple Green

30 Intermediate colors Red-orange Yellow-orange Yellow-green Blue-green Blue-violet Red-violet

31 Warm colors Reds Oranges Yellows

32 Cool colors Blues Greens Purples

33 Right next to each other – R, Ro,o,Yo
Analogous colors Right next to each other – R, Ro,o,Yo

34 Across from each other- R&G
Complimentary colors Across from each other- R&G

35 A painting done in one color plus black and white is called
Monochromatic A painting done in one color plus black and white is called

36 Renaissance- Rebirth of Knowledge- Realism- PERSPECTIVE

37 Surreal Art Dream-like imagery Fantasy that doesn’t have to make sense
Art History Surreal Art Dream-like imagery Fantasy that doesn’t have to make sense

38 Contours The outer most edges of a shape
NOTHING can be filled in or shaded Done in as few lines as possible- not sketchy

39 Cross Hatching Stippling Hatching Shading

40 1. Horizon line 2. One Point 3.Vanishing Point 4. Two Point Orthogonal

41 Perspective is concerned with giving the appearance of Depth on the flat surface of the page.

42 Orthogonal lines move away from the viewer always meet At the Vanishing Point.

43 Positive Space main focus of a picture

44 the background area of a painting
Negative Space the background area of a painting

45 Using a grid to enlarge involves knowledge of Ratio and Proportion to correctly recreate your image

46 Foreground- Front Middle Ground- Middle Background-Back

47 Museum Curator

48 A conservator in a museum Protects and restores damaged works of art

49 An artist who combines visual images with news is a Photojournalist

50 Graphic Designer Selects typefaces, lettering, and creates book page layouts for publishers

51 Red, orange and yellow appear to advance in space

52 Primary + Secondary= Intermediate colors

53 Primary + Secondary= Intermediate colors

54 Dull the intensity of the color
Mixing a color’s complement will Dull the intensity of the color

55 Blue and Orange Yellow and Purple
By mixing together (complements) you would achieve a neutral color (Brown) Blue and Orange Red and Green Yellow and Purple

56 In The Round sculpture surrounded on all sides by space.

57 Symbols in Art

58 Symbols for Time Clock Burning candle Hourglass Calendar

59 To create the illusion of space you can Overlap or create a size difference in your objects:

60 A sculpture that extends out from a plane and has a flat backing
Relief Carving A sculpture that extends out from a plane and has a flat backing

61 Printmaking

62 Gives the number of each print in the sequence
Printmaking: edition Original prints numbered to indicate the total number of prints pulled, or printed- EACH THE EXACT SAME Gives the number of each print in the sequence

63 Relief printing - The image is printed from ink on the surface of wood, linoleum, or other flat surface. Nonprinting areas have been cut away. The completed print is a mirror image of the original plate.

64 Element or Principle? Balance

65 Element or Principle? Line

66 Element or Principle? Pattern

67 Element or Principle? Rhythm

68 Element or Principle? Shape

69 Element or Principle? Form

70 Element or Principle? Value

71 Element or Principle? Intensity

72 Element or Principle? Contrast

73 Element or Principle? Space

74 Element or Principle? Emphasis

75 Element or Principle? Texture

76 Element or Principle? Unity

77 Element or Principle? Color

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