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Pharmacognosy (2) PHG 203 Spring 2018 - 2019 Lab (5) Dr Heba.

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1 Pharmacognosy (2) PHG 203 Spring Lab (5) Dr Heba

2 How to identify unknown vegetable powder

3 I- Orange Red colored powder II- Yellowish white (Pale) colored powder
1. Capsicum fruit: Characteristic odour (sternutatory) and taste (pungent). Pd + KOH → boil well → Rabbit intestine like sclereids. II- Yellowish white (Pale) colored powder 2. Quassia wood: Very bitter persistent taste. Test with Phloroglucin/conc.HCl → Full red color. Pd + KOH → boil well → RLS. 3. Colocynth fruit: Very bitter persistent taste. Test with 80% H2SO4 → red color. Pd + KOH → boil well → pithy pulp.

4 III- Reddish brown 4. Cinchona bark: 5. Cinnamon bark:
Dry heat test → violet fumes. Pd + KOH → boil well → Phloem fiber (wide, blunt apex & funnel shaped lumen). 5. Cinnamon bark: Aromatic characteristic odour and taste for cinnamon. Dry heat test → NO violet fumes. Pd + KOH → boil well → Phloem fiber (thin, tapering apex & narrow lumen).

5 IV- Others 6. Coriander fruit: 7. Fennel fruit: Yellowish green color.
Brownish yellow color. Aromatic spicy odour & taste. Test with Phloroglucin/conc.HCl → red color. Pd + KOH → boil well → Simple vittae & Crossed fibers. 7. Fennel fruit: Yellowish green color. Aromatic sweet odour & taste. Test with Phloroglucin/conc.HCl → red color. Pd + KOH → boil well → Simple vittae.

6 8. Anise fruit: 9. Ammi visnaga fruit: Yellowish green color.
Aromatic sweet odour & taste. Test with Phloroglucin/conc.HCl → No red color. Pd + KOH → boil well → Branched vittae & non-glandular hair. 9. Ammi visnaga fruit: Greenish Brown color with violet tinge. Aromatic odour & Bitter pungent taste. Khellin test: boil powder with water → pour decoction on KOH pellets→ rose red color Pd + KOH → boil well → Simple vittae & Porous layer.

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