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Time Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management

2 Introduction

3 Symptoms of Poor Management
Too much work, not enough day Never getting ahead Constant Pressure Stressed Out

4 Goals Learn strategies to find time in your day.
How to prioritize one client's needs over another's. How to identify when a task is taking too long. How to work ahead to save you time later.  When is multitasking appropriate. What options exist for tracking projects and what strategies work best for you.  How job-aids benefit your work and how you can create your own. 

5 Class Exercise Time Bandits: Electronic Communication
Unproductive Meetings Interruptions at your desk  Telephone calls - taking longer then needed Disorganized work space  Lack of organized system for tracking tasks Lack of planning or prioritizing Procrastination  Person use time ( , errands, web surfing etc.) Inefficiencies in work processes. 

6 Prioritizing Identify your tasks
Categorize verses urgent and non urgent Assess value Order depending on time required Accept uncertainty Be adaptable

7 Identifying Time Sinks
Set a time limit Reward Yourself Reduce the Scope Focus on what you can do, not obstacles Switch Tasks

8 Multitasking Considerations
Brain can only focus on 9 Items at a time Switching tasks consumes time Difficult to refocus for each switch Uses different mindsets Increases mistakes Increases missed details When is it appropriate? Utilize downtime between tasks Client phone calls

9 Job Aids Reduce rote memorization Increase performance
Standardize services provided Reduce errors Increased productivity Increased effectiveness

10 Strategies

11 If it takes less than 2 minutes, do it now

12 Control Your Time Bandits

13 Assign Deadlines

14 Set Realistic goals

15 Assist others, don’t own their problems

16 Leave space in your day for the unexpected

17 Reduce Interruptions / Disconnect

18 Move

19 Relax: Don’t add Stress

20 Summary Would the following tips improve or reduce your workday productivity? Use lunch or dinner to catch up on work. Eating and checking s is a timesaver. Think big, let go of past mistakes, embrace the uncertainty, and think positively. Allow yourself 30 minutes for social media to give yourself a fixed amount of time for indulgences. Release stress by complaining to coworkers who are undergoing similar situations. Slow down and be mindful and aware of what you’re working on. Being a perfectionist now will prevent you from having to re-complete it later. Working on three important projects at once is a good use of time.

21 Next Steps: Create your own task management system
Take the Assessments

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