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The Walking Dead.

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1 The Walking Dead

2 The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror television series developed by Frank Darabont for AMC that is based on the comic book series by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. Andrew Lincoln plays the show's lead character, sheriff's deputy Rick Grimes,  who awakens from a coma to discover a world overrun by man-eating zombies, commonly referred to as "walkers". Grimes reunites with his family and becomes the leader of a group of other survivors. Together, they struggle to adapt to a post- apocalyptic world filled with walkers and with other groups of survivors, the living often more dangerous than the dead. Much of the series takes place in and around Atlanta, Georgia, and later Alexandria, Virginia.

3 Audience Classification for The Walking Dead
The production team know what they want to make and have done that. They target a niche audience that are most into the product, but they do go outside that niche audience to try and please others. There are two ways in which audience classification can be proved and checked. These are with Qualitative and Quantatiave Research

4 Demographics - Audience

5 Audience Classification
This is definitely a show that students and young adults are into The age range of viewers are 18 – 64 The show has broken the record for viewers in this category

6 Qualitative Research for The Walking dead
The main way for me to find qualitative Research on this show was by searching up about the show on Google I went to several sited to find reviews. I used IMDB, Wikipeida, Manly Movie and imgur They all had critic reviews and audience reviews which is exactly what I needed.


8 Audience Theories Active Audiences
They also have their own Facebook page and fan pages. This fan meme page is showing the humour by doing the 10 year challenge by showing characters from the start of the show (2009) to now (2019).

9 Quantitative Research for The Walking Dead
The quantitative data that I was looking for was mainly viewing figures for the show. The sites used for this research were Mashable, GetGlue, NielsonMedia, TvByTheNumbers and BARB. Some of these sites gave me viewing figures and others gave me the ratio of men to women viewers.

10 Season 5 (2015)–8.2 rating, 15.8 million
Season 3 (2013)–6.4 rating, 12.4 million viewers Season 7 (2017)–5.4 rating, 11.3 million Season 2 (2012)–4.7 rating, 9 million viewers Season 8 (2018)–3.4 rating, 7.9 million Season 1 (2011)–3.0 rating, 6 million viewers

11 Season 8 finale as low as Season 1
“The Walking Dead” averaged a 3.4 rating in adults and 7.9 million viewers. That is up approximately 21% in the demo and 18% in total viewers versus last week. But that is also down 37% in the demo and 30% in total viewers from the Season 7 finale last year. Season 8 of the series as a whole averaged a 3.4 and 7.8 million viewers in Live+Same Day, down from Season 7’s average approximately the same percentages as the Season 8 finale compared to the Season 7 finale. Season 8 (2018)–3.4 rating, 7.9 million Season 1 (2011)–3.0 rating, 6 million viewers

12 Synopsis The producers have clearly put a lot of effort into fine tuning their show to be perfect for viewers. The show has made AMC very popular and has made them shoot past the other leading providers such as ABC and CBS. Now with Angela kang as the show runner, Season 9 has already kicked out with a bang, with the story being the best so far throughout all the seasons.

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