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UNENE ;its Role in Industry

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1 UNENE ;its Role in Industry
Presentation at WIN 2015 By : Basma.A.Shalaby UNENE ,President November 9 ,2015 24/09/2019

2 Outline - Current Scene - What is UNENE
- UNENE Outcomes to date; Research &Education - Summary 24/09/2019

3 Current Scene 19 Operating nuclear power plants in Canada
>50% of the electricity of Ontario province <16% of Canada’s electricity (21 NPPs ) 10 Candu plants planned for refurbishments starting from 2016 onwards Retirement of experienced nuclear engineers Knowledge preservation of design and licensing basis of current plants 24/09/2019

4 UNENE: A Partnership Established in 2002 between the industry-universities with the following objectives: Supply of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) Support and fund nuclear research in universities Create a respected pool of university-based expertise for independent industry and public consultation Main focus: Education and Research 24/09/2019

5 Members Canadian Nuclear Labs (CNL) (formerly AECL-CRL)
Bruce Power Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission(CNSC) CANDU Owners Group(COG) Foster Wheeler NSSS SNC-Lavalin-Nuclear (formerly Candu Energy Inc NWMO McMaster University Queen's University University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Saskatchewan University of Toronto University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Ecole Polytechnique University of New Brunswick Royal Military College University of Guelph University of Windsor 24/09/2019

6 CRD’s (3yr Research program)
UNENE Structure UNENE Board of Directors All UNENE Members UNENE Education Advisory Committee (EAC) UNENE Management UNENE Research Advisory Committee (RAC) CRD’s (3yr Research program) 1)FC spacersX750 degradation 2) Seismic Risk analysis 3)TEC technology for Tight structures Research Chair(IRC’s) 1) Safety & T/H 2) Nuclear Materials 3) Risk Modeling & Reliability M.Eng. &Diploma Programs Graduate Courses on Nuclear Technology 24/09/2019

7 UNENE Realized Outcomes
Additional Funding leveraged Wider base &scope of r & d programs equipment and Facilities Enrolment growing in M . Eng program Over 130 Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) 24/09/2019

8 UNENE Research Created Industrial Research Chairs (IRCs) in universities as ‘anchors’ for establishing R&D and strong research teams in key nuclear technology areas Sponsors Collaborative Research Projects (CRDs ) on technology topics complementary to R&D programs industry wide 24/09/2019

9 Research Program Support Industrial Research Chairs
McMaster (Luxat / Novog) – Safety / T-H Queens (Daymond) – Nuclear Materials Toronto (Newman) – Corrosion of Alloys Waterloo (Pandey) – Risk & Reliability Western (Jiang) – I&C, Electrical UOIT ( Waker / Waller) – Health Physics Typically $220K/180K peryear (UNENE/NSERC) 24/09/2019

10 Research – cont’d Collaborative Research and Development Grants (with NSERC) Waterloo (Xie) – Seismic Risk Analysis Western (Wren) – Irradiation chemistry Guelph (Tremaine) – High temp aqueous D2O chemistry Western (Ramamurthy) –SCC in Alloy 800 RMC ( Krause)– Transient Eddy Current technology for tight structures (SG support area, CT-LISS nozzle gap Ottawa (Tavoularis) – CFD Thermalhydraulics Queens (Yao) – Channel Spacers irradiation ageing Small projects ~$36K/year for 3 years from 2005/6 24/09/2019

11 Research Facilities 24/09/2019

12 RMTL Building (Queen`s)

13 RMTL Accelerator Room(Queen’s)

14 Centre of Advanced Nuclear Systems (CANS)[McMaster/UOIT]

15 New Hot Cells(CANS, McMaster)

16 CHF Test Facilities(McMaster)

17 Education - UNENE Master’s of Engineering
- UNENE diploma (started mid 2015) - Advanced Professional Development 24/09/2019

18 Typical Courses UN0802: Nuclear Reactor Physics [McMaster]
UN0803: Nuclear Reactor Safety Design [McMaster] UN0804: Nuclear Reactor Heat Transport System Design [McMaster] UN0502: Nuclear Plant Systems and Operations [UOIT] UN0501: Nuclear Fuel Management of the Reactor Core [UOIT] UN0601: Control, Instrumentation and Electrical Systems in CANDU based Power Plants [Western] UN0602: Nuclear Fuel Waste Management [Western] UN0603: Project Management for Nuclear Engineering [Western] UN0701: Engineering Risk and Reliability [Waterloo] UN0805: Introduction to Operational Health Physics [McMaster] UN0806: Nuclear Fuel Engineering [McMaster] UN0807: Power Plant Thermodynamics [McMaster] UN0808: Reactor Chemistry and Corrosion [McMaster] UN0901: Nuclear Materials [Queen’s] Coming soon: UN Nuclear Regulation 24/09/2019

19 M.Eng todate 24/09/2019

20 Six Critical Attributes of UNENE
Nuclear Research Synergistic Program Science Base Nuclear Knowledge and Education Partner/Collaborate Modern Infrastructure A portfolio of relevant research with impact on nuclear science and technology benefiting CANDU design, licensing and operations. Research outcomes aimed at maintaining & enhancing the safe, economic and environmentally clean source of nuclear power. A portfolio synergistic and complementary to nuclear research in Canada and internationally. A group of university based nuclear experts well respected within Canada and internationally offering strong research teams with a culture of scientific enquiry/innovation. A M.Eng./ Diploma degree catered for industry professionals and geared to enhancing core competence and completed through a suite of graduate level courses covering all facets of nuclear power. Extensive national and international collaborations. New research labs and equipment established or under construction with leveraged funding (>45m) from provincial and federal agencies. A nuclear material test lab at Queen’s, advanced thermalhydraulic facility (under construction) with a tandem accelerator at McMaster. 24/09/2019

21 Discussion 24/09/2019

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