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outside the walls Problems 4. Nehemiah let us rise and build

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1 outside the walls Problems 4. Nehemiah let us rise and build
The Kettering Weekend March 2016

2 Structure OUTSIDE THE WALLS A | Complaints, complaints
B | Nehemiah’s response C | Outcome INTERACTION OUTSIDE THE WALLS SESSION 4

3 Generalised opposition
A constant problem Constant complaints by people they were threatening/displacing Generalised opposition + Specific opposition Complaints: Ezra 4:1 (Cyrus) Ezra 4:6 (Ahasuerus (Xerxes)) Ezra 4:7 (Artaxerxes) “Samaritans” in general appeared to resent returnees Specific opposition against Nehemiah OUTSIDERS SESSION 4

4 Who was causing the problems?
[1] Sanballat the Horonite Name (Sin-uballit) suggest Mesopotamian origin Elephantine papyrus - Samaritan leader Political rival to Nehemiah (2:10) NB Sanballat doesn’t occur in Ezra – political not religious Horon not known Neh 2:10 – not what Nehemiah did but who he was that threatened S. OUTSIDERS NEHEMIAH 6

5 Who was causing the problems?
[2] Tobiah Ammonite - name (Yah is good) ironic Sanballat’s sidekick – features later [3] Geshem Arab chieftain? Deut 23:3: An Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even toi their tenth generation. (qv Neh 13:1) Geshem – means “rain” (2:19) (Gashmu 6:6 – Nabatean) OUTSIDERS NEHEMIAH 6

6 What problems did they cause?
Scorn (2:19 – qv Ps 44:13) Mocking/bravado (4:1-3) Consipiracy to fight (4:7) Plotting (6:2, 4, 5) Accusation of rebellion (6:6&7) Tobiah suborns Israelite prophets (6:10-14) 5th column (6:17-19) Mal 1:2-5 Edom linked with Tobiah? Or Geshem? OUTSIDERS SESSION 4

7 Structure OUTSIDE THE WALLS A | Complaints, complaints
B | Nehemiah’s response C | Outcome OUTSIDE THE WALLS SESSION 4

8 What was Nehemiah’s response?
Faith & steadfastness (2:20; 6:12,19) Prayer (4:4, 9, 6:9,14) Action (4:13, 6:3) OUTSIDERS SESSION 4

9 Structure OUTSIDE THE WALLS A | Complaints, complaints
B | Nehemiah’s response C | Outcome INTERACTION OUTSIDE THE WALLS SESSION 4

10 What were the good outcomes from external opposition?
So what was the outcome? Good INTERACTION What were the good outcomes from external opposition? Wall built People united Faithful witness Enemies cast down Audience participation – talk to your neighbour for 5 mins. What were good outcomes from external opposition? Illustrate from Nehemiah. Lessons for us? OUTSIDERS SESSION 4

11 So what was the outcome? OUTSIDERS Bad
External influences didn’t go away Eliashib as an object lesson 3:1 built and sanctified the Sheep Gate NB. not signatory on covenant 13:4 established Tobiah in the Temple! 13:28 Sanballat’s daughter married Eliashib’s grandson 13: not just bringing in Tobiah (outside-in), but breached Law in bringing in Ammonite ceased proper temple practice (v5) Nehemiah’s response (v8&9)– as Hezekiah & later Christ cleansed Temple Edom (1:2-5) Tobiah Ammonite (linked to Edom) Geshem Arabian (Edomite?) 2:11 – married the daughter of a strange god – mixed marriages and Eliashib’s grandson marrying Sanballat’s daughter 2:12 – Master (Eliashib – priest whose lips should keep knowledge) & Scholar (Eliashib’s grandson) – him that offereth the offering (Eliashib, Joiada, grandson) Lessons – If time participation again – how had Tobiah got in? Eliashib weak and/or corrupt. Nehemiah away... What lessons ? If not time: external factors can affect us gradually (develop); unequal yoking.... (NB mixed marriages not forbidden per se (Nb 12:1) but QV Deut 7:3. Mal 2:10 ff – fidelity to first wife) OUTSIDERS SESSION 4

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