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Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction May 17th 2019

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1 Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction May 17th 2019
IMPROVING RISK GOVERNANCE IN MOROCCO Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction May 17th 2019

2 The OECD Recommendation on the governance of critical risks
Focus on comprehensive risk governance Vision & leadership Whole-of-government & multi-level coordination Whole-of-society inclusion Transparency & accountability Objective: build countries resilience to major shocks Adopted by the OECD Ministers in May 2014 Focus on comprehensive risk governance Contribution to 2015 agenda - Sendai, CoP21, SDG OECD Contribution to the Sendai FDRR

3 An opportunity to improve risk governance in Morocco
Multi-hazard exposure and socio-economic vulnerabilities 2004 Al Hoceima’s earthquake : a trigger to improve risk management 2014 floods : Strengthening risk governance as a priority Political will and policy priorities on decentralisation, public governance, infrastructure investments Floods Earthquakes Droughts Tsunami

4 OECD Peer Review on Risk Management : a key tool to improve governance
Morocco’s adherence to the OECD Recommendation on the Governance of Critical Risks in 2014 OECD Peer review, an inclusive approach to policy analysis based on international comparison National and local analysis 50 good practices identified Numerous opportunities to shift gears towards improve resilience

5 Policy recommendations and multi-stakeholder engagement
30 policy recommendations on governance risk assessment prevention emergency preparedness recovery and reconstruction Rabat, 25 mai 2016 Large stakeholder engagement and agreement on a common diagnosis Important impact nationally and internationally Implementation ?

6 Governance deficits hindering resilience progress
Public Works Housing Civil Protection Agriculture Urban planning Insurance Water Environment Lack of a vision and common objectives Top down policies for response and structural measures Sectorial mono-hazards efforts Limited integration in development planning Weak accountability and capacity gaps at the local level  6 recommendations on visibility, leadership, institutions, horizontal and vertical coordination, inclusion

7 Bridging the risk governance gaps : Morocco’s progress since 2016
Strategic vision: 82% National priority : 64% Strategic vision and strong leadership Prevention, capacity development, financial incentives for local level, development of common tools Large stakeholders engagement Secretariat of the prevention fund, development of the national strategy, OECD workshops and trainings National strategy and institutional framework in the making OECD roadmap and WB support Mainstreaming in sectoral policies in progress Work with civil society organisations remains limited

8 Assessing progress to strengthen accountability and maintain momentum
Most notable progress in governance and prevention Implementation of the 2016 OECD Recommendations

9 Conclusion : lessons from Morocco’s path towards improved risk governance
Vision and leadership is a must Peer reviews value to mobilise and reach consensus Accountability and continuous improvement OECD High-Level Risk Forum supports country risk governance and resilience efforts

10 Merci pour votre attention
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