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Knowledge Organiser: The American West

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1 Knowledge Organiser: The American West 1835 - 1895
KT1: The Early Settlement of the West The Early Settlement of the West 1 At the start of this period the Great Plains were home to the Plains Indians, who lived a nomadic life. The Americans who came to the Plains were just travelling through and at first relations were peaceful. However, increasing numbers of Americans and the development of the settlement on the Plains brought the two into conflict. Meanwhile, as this settlement ran ahead of the forces of the law, there were problems with lawlessness. Key events 2 1824 Bureau of Indian Affairs set up 3 1830 Indian Removal Act passed 4 1836 Oregon Trail opened 5 1845 Concept of Manifest Destiny becomes popular 6 Mexican-American War 7 Mormon migration 8 1849 California Gold Rush 9 January Indian Appropriations Act passed 10 September Fort Laramie Treaty signed 11 1854 Kansas – Nebraska Act passed 12 Mormon War 13 1859 Colorado Gold Rush 14 1861 American Civil War Key Concepts 15 The Plains Indians – Lived a nomadic lifestyle and shared a sense of unity with nature. They did not believe that land could be owned. In war, ‘counting coup’ was the highest form of honour. Their lifestyle meant many white Americans saw them as ‘savages’ and ‘uncivilised’. 16 Increased Migration and Settlement – The opening of the Oregon Trail, the California Gold Rush and Mormon persecution led to a huge increase in migration and settlement on the Plains. In turn, this led to increased conflict between the Plains Indians and the white settlers. 17 Fort Laramie Treaty 1851 – Fear of Indian attack led US government to go back on earlier agreements of a ‘permanent Indian frontier’. Language barriers and different styles of government meant the treaty would ultimately fail. 18 Lawlessness – US Federal Government found it difficult to implement law and order on Great Plains due to increased number of mining camps. This led to the organisation of vigilance committees who took the law into their own hands and were often corrupt. Key Words 19 Tribe The name given to the different groups of Plains Indians. E.g. Sioux, Cheyenne and Blackfoot 20 Band Indian tribes were divided into ‘bands’ 21 Chief Leader of a band. Chosen because of their wisdom/ skills as a hunter/ warrior. 22 Warrior Society The best warriors from each band. Supervised hunting and protected bands from attack. 23 Nomadic Having no permanent home, travelling from place to place to find fresh pasture for animals. 24 Counting Coup Landing a blow on an enemy and getting away without injury (highest form of honour in war). 25 Indian Trade and Intercourse Act An agreement that set out a permanent Indian frontier (divided Indian territory from Eastern states). 26 Indian Appropriations Act US Government allocated money for setting up Indian reservations in modern day Oklahoma. 27 Fort Laramie Treaty Treaty that set out territories for the Plains Indians, white settlers were allowed into Indian territory in exchange for resources provided by US government. 28 Manifest Destiny Belief that it was God’s will that white Americans should settle over all America and spread their ‘civilised’ way of life. 29 The Gold Rush The discovery of gold in California which led to migration of ‘forty-niners’ – people who wanted to find a fortune. 30 Oregon Trail The main pathway for American emigrants searching for new lands and opportunity in the West. 31 Mormon Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints founded by Joseph Smith, 1830. 32 Vigilance Committees Group of ordinary citizens that decides to punish a group of law-breakers itself instead of relying on the official justice system. 33 Miners’ Courts Courts set up by miners to settle disputes over claims to land.

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