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Practical Christianity

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1 Practical Christianity
Meekness is real strength! February 2018

2 Readings Matthew 5 : 1-16 Psalm 37 : 7-11 Reference: Martyn Lloyd-Jones “Studies in the Sermon on the Mount”

3 Building Something Tangible
Practical Christianity Meekness is real strength “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the KOG Humility before Christ “Without sorrow there is no joy” Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted Building the Foundation

4 Thus far .... Foundation / Introduction to SOM
Blessed are the poor in Spirit Blessed are those who mourn Problem is Superficial Christianity Not treating God’s Word as absolute truth Treating sin as a mere headache A description of a true Christian Of Spiritual and not natural power A different realm! God’s Kingdom and shadow Light and salt of the world Specific order and logic Total inadequacy of self Total dependency on God’s grace and favour Emptied before we can be filled Humility before God Recognition and acceptance of my sinful state “wretched man that I am – who shall deliver me from this body of death?” Recognition of the sinful state of others Sorrow and repentance of my utter helplessness and sinful state Man of sorrows A mournful heart is an open heart that let’s the Spirit in!

5 Our focus Part 1: The Beatitudes (v3-5) Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth The most challenging requirement of God on my life because it so goes against who I naturally am!

6 Mirror Mirror on the wall ....
Am I REALLY a Christian? Is my life characterised by spiritual as opposed to natural behaviour and traits (A new creation) Do I really believe Gods word as being the absolute truth? Do I accept and believe that I am nothing in and of myself Do I truly mourn about my sinful self and about the sin in the world and in others Am I God’s instrument in being the salt and light of the world?

7 The progression Poor in Spirit (Helplessness and humility)
Mourn for sin of self and others Blessed are the meek How do we respond when others look at me and put the spotlight on me? How threatening is this?

8 “World conquest is in the hands of the meek”
How absurd! Shock to the Jews – they were expecting a Messiah with worldly characteristics The modern church also falters – “Let us stand together, rally and organise ouselves as Christians” – we dare not lose sight of the need to be meek in order to access God’s strength.

9 Some examples of Biblical meekness
Gideon – God reduced the numbers of fighting men Abraham – his response to Lot’s demand for the best portion of land Moses – low conception of himself. He turned down the opportunity of royalty and humbled himself completely to God and His will David – he was anointed as King yet he suffered Saul’s unjust & unkind treatment Jeremiah – the unpopular prophet – he suffered the unkind and unjust treatment of his own people despite describing himself as “a boiling cauldren” Noah – faced the ridicule of all Stephen – was stoned and martyred Paul – imprisoned and martyred

10 Jesus – the ultimate example
Phillipians : “He did not regard His equality with God as a prerogative to hold onto. He decided to live as man – as a servant” Jesus said “Come unto me all ye that labour and I will give you rest ... I am meek and lowly in heart” Utter submission to the Father Mirror, mirror on the wall

11 What did all these people have in common
They did not defend themselves in their own strength but yielded to their strength in God There is a bigger war to be fought than this battle today! The battle is only won through utter submission to the Father. That requires the most incredible faith and inner strength “I am weak but Thou art strong!” But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.“ 2 Cor 12:9

12 So what is meekness Not a natural quality
Not indolence, flabbiness, easy goingness, niceness and prevent a fight at all costness IN FACT: It is compatible with the greatest authority and power It is inner Christ-strength

13 The meek person Is firstly poor in spirit
Secondly mourns for his/her sin Does not assert him/herself in terms of human demands Is not defensive about his /her rights Never pities him/herself – there is nothing worth defending in self Strong knowing that no-one can harm my spiritual destiny

14 John Bunyan said: “He that is down need fear no fall” “I stand amazed that God and man can think of me as well as they do and treat me as well as they do!”

15 This attitude of meekness must express itself in our demeanour
Like Jesus we need to be: Mild and approachable Exhibit absence of retaliation Be patient and long suffering – even unjustly 1 Peter 2 “Follow His steps who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth; who when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, He threatened not, but committed himself to Him that judges righteously”

16 A new Creation indeed! Are you ready to listen and to learn?
Are you ready to be taught by the Spirit and led by Jesus Remember – even Jesus yielded to God!!

17 So where does the Power lie?
Leave everything in the hands of God – it serves no purpose in taking things into your own hands Vengeance is the Lord’s We don’t repay – we deliver ourselves into the hands of God to be His instruments

18 What’s in it for me? “... For they shall inherit the earth!”
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Paul tells the Corinthians “the saints shall judge the world” We as children and heirs of God shall reign with Him As Christians we have already inherited the earth

19 Mirror, mirror If we claim to be Christians we have no excuse NOT to be meek Are we merely superficial religious people or are we Christians as described by Jesus in these beatitudes? How practical is your faith? Are you a meek instrument of service & worship? What is your mirror telling you today??

20 Let us pray!

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