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Closing the loop – An EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy

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1 Closing the loop – An EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy


3 What are the limitations of a Linear Economy?
unstable supply of raw materials scarcity of resources volatile prices of resources lost value of materials and products waste generated environmental degradation & climate change

4 EU imports more materials and natural resources than it exports
European Union (EU-28) Rest of the world (ROW) EU-28 exports (2014) 159 237 434 EU-28 imports (2014) 181 195 1300 Total trade EU-28 to ROW In 2004: 455 million tonnes In 2014: 640 million tonnes Total trade ROW to EU-28 In 2004: 1664 million tonnes In 2014: 1534 million tonnes Biomass Manufactures Fuel/mining products

5 …to a Circular Economy

6 Transition towards a Circular Economy
Maintaining the value of products, materials and resources in the economy for as long as possible Minimising waste generation Boosting our competitiveness with new business opportunities and innovative products and services Bringing economic, social and environmental gains

7 Circular Economy: a priority
One objective: building a sustainable future One model: Protecting the environment and boosting competitiveness go hand-in-hand Jobs, Growth and Investment Democratic Change, Better Regulation Energy Union and Climate CIRCULAR ECONOMY

8 International dimension
EU's international commitments 2030 Sustainable Agenda Paris Agreement to combat climate change G7 Alliance for Resource Efficiency EU's international commitments 2030 Sustainable Agenda, adopted by the United Nations in Sept 2015 COP21, historic agreement on 2°C global warming limit in Dec 2015 G7 Alliance for Resource Efficiency, building more sustainable supply chains and global markets for secondary raw materials

9 1/3 of the actions are being implemented
State of Play Action Plan Communication List of Follow-up Initiatives (Annex) 4 Legislative proposals on waste 1/3 of the actions are being implemented Under debate at the Council and at the European Parliament

10 Secondary raw materials
Key action areas Production Consumption Innovation, Investment, Monitoring Secondary raw materials New or revised legislation: waste proposals, fertilisers, water reuse Strengthened and more coherent implementation: support to compliance in waste policy, products policy, guidance on industrial emissions, consumers protection against unfair practices, interface between waste, products and chemicals legislations Voluntary approaches: Green Public Procurement, EMAS, EU Eco-label, standards on secondary raw materials and on recovery of materials from electronic waste, sustainable sourcing, certification of waste facilities Better use of information: Environmental Footprint, Raw Materials Information Systems, platforms on food waste, on financing Combination of EU funding (Horizon 2020, EFSI) and private financing Waste Management

11 Key action areas Production Consumption Waste Management
Provide incentives to boost circular product design Innovative and efficient production processes Consumption Provide consumers with reliable information on environmental impact of products Waste Management Improve waste management in line with the EU waste hierarchy Address existing implementation gaps Provide long-term vision and targets to guide investments Secondary Raw Materials Increase the use of secondary raw materials Increase the use of recycled nutrients and the reuse of treated wastewater Safely manage risks of chemicals of concern Improve knowledge of material stocks and flows Innovation and Investment Create the right environment for innovation and investment

12 Priority sectors Biomass & Bio-based Products Plastics Food Waste
Construction & Demolition Critical Raw Materials

13 Strategy on Plastics and reduction of Marine Litter
Promotion of biobased resources and support for innovation on bioeconomy Strategy on Plastics and reduction of Marine Litter Recovery of valuable resources and better assessment of environmental performance of buildings Promotion of the recovery of Critical Raw Materials and exchange of best practices Common methodology to measure Food Waste

14 Innovation & Investment
Horizon 2020 initiative launched on ‘Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy’ (EUR 650 million) Regional Policy European Structural and Investment Funds Investment new platform for financing Circular Economy with European Investment Bank and national promotional banks Overcoming barriers pilot ‘innovation deals’ to address potential regulatory obstacles for innovators

15 What has been done so far?
Legislative proposals on waste Tackling false green claims Green Public Procurement Legislative Proposal on fertilizers Eco-design "Innovation Deals" and H2020 call Stakeholders platform on food waste

16 What is coming? Communication 'Waste to Energy'
Plastics Strategy Interface chemicals, products and waste legislation Monitoring and indicator framework Minimum requirements for reused water Communication 'Waste to Energy' Green Financing Platform with the EIB and national banks Assessment of the contribution of Circular Economy to the Bio-economy Strategy

17 Implementation at National level
France- "Loi de Transition Énergétique pour la Croissance Verte" Germany- German Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess II) The Netherlands-A circular economy in the Netherlands by 2050 Finland- Finland's National Circular Economy Roadmap

18 At regional level Brussels Region-Programme Régional en Economie Circulaire Scotland-Making Things Last - A Circular Economy Strategy for Scotland At local level Amsterdam- Report "Circular Amsterdam" Paris-White Paper on the Circular Economy of the Greater Paris

19 Stakeholders' engagement
Exchange of best practices and knowledge European Innovation Partnerships (Raw materials-water) Food waste platform SME Resource Excellence Centre Role of private institutions and NGOs Ellen McArthur Foundation Institut de l'Économie Circulaire Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP)

20 Thank you for your attention
Hugo Maria Schally European Commission DG Environment

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